Need to lose as many games as possible from here on out

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Maker_84, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff


    Thank you..
    I do not see how any fan can intentionally hope their team loses - ever.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  2. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    The Steelers are ready to trade Rothlisberger. They supposedly are going to be scouting the Clemson-Ga tech game on Saturday because they are very interested in Boyd.

    Even if we are drafting in the middle this is one draft where we can get a good QB. Even in the 2nd rd. Murray or McCarrons could be there as late as rd 2.Even a guy like Hundley or Manziel.

    Bridgewater is overrated so let him come off the board early.

    This isn't like last year when Luck and RG3 were a clear cut 1 and 2. You have as many as 10 QBs with high grades. McCarron and Murray should grade out similar to what Dalton was in 2011. We could have our pick between them.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler


    just like the colts fans that hoped their team would lose to draft luck! Well guess what, that theory worked!!

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    he just wants us to draft a popular name it would seem
  5. skitch

    skitch Shut Up and Play Ball!

    It's the definition of insanity......
    Doing the same thing over and over......and expecting different results.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  6. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    So the theory goes that you need to suck to get really high draft picks which will then make you good. Then explain to me the Cleveland Browns. Since they rejoined the NFL in 1999 they have had 16 first round picks. 9 of them in the top 10 and 6 in the top 5. How is that working out for them?

    1999 1 Tim Couch * QB Kentucky
    2000 1 Courtney Brown * DE Penn State
    2001 3 Gerard Warren DT Florida
    2002 16 William Green RB Boston College [23]
    2003 21 Jeff Faine C Notre Dame
    2004 6 Kellen Winslow II TE Miami (Florida) [24]
    2005 3 Braylon Edwards WR Michigan
    2006 13 Kamerion Wimbley LB Florida State [25]
    2007 3 Joe Thomas OT Wisconsin [26]
    22 Brady Quinn QB Notre Dame [27]
    2008No Pick — — [27]
    2009 21 Alex Mack C California [28]
    2010 7 Joe Haden CB Florida
    2011 21 Phil Taylor DT Baylor
    2012 3 Trent Richardson RB Alabama
    22 Brandon Weeden QB Oklahoma State
    2013 6 Barkevious Mingo OLB LSU
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    I hate rooting for my team to lose, but here's the rest of our schedule:

    @ Oak W
    @ Indy L
    @ Den L
    v Arz L
    @ Jax W
    v Hou L

    That's what I likely see happening. 6-10, again. Possible that we beat ARZ, but they've been looking good as of late. 6-10 normally means around No 8 - No 12 is where we will be drafting. I hate losing and I won't root for us to lose, but won't be pissed when we do.

    6-10 should be bad enough for Munchak to get the can. Bridgewater and Mariota will likely both be off the boards, so whoever emerges as the #3/#4 QB should/could be ours. Or we could opt for an OT/DE, if we're not sold on a QB. Give Locker one more year with a new HC to prove he can stay healthy? Wouldn't be pissed by that, better than taking a QB than we don't deem worthy like Bills did with EJ Manuel.
  8. CalgaryTitansFan

    CalgaryTitansFan Pro Bowler

    While I don't like the idea of tanking, winning anymore games doesn't help us in any way shape or form. It's like we're on the opponents 38 and 4th and long, no mans land.

    3 games back plus a tie breaker, if the Jets beat buff this week (like they should) they'll be 2 up on us. We've still gotta play Indy and the refs again, Denver, and Zona has been looking good lately. What does winning really do for us at this point, save Munchs job? Eff that, they need to clean house and losing games is sadly the only way that's going to happen.It sucks but because of the lack of performance the last 2 weeks, at LP field no less, it's our reality.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler


    sad but true
  10. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    Could be worth the pick if he slips to the second though.

    Very McNair. But has also had some games where he lifted the team too.

    A lot of questions about him left to be answered tho
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