Where is VY? (all things Vince Young goes here)

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by grindtime, Feb 10, 2011.

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  1. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro


    I'm not saying that hiring from within is even bad in all cases, just that we have had a strong history of it. That isn't arguable. Alex just came in and made up a bunch of bull**** and acting like an idiot.
  2. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate


    I do not think we are worse than mist teams
  3. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    My original point was, when you encourage inside hires so strongly; when you get a guy like Munch, who isn't as experienced, his connections are not as strong. That is why you have high school coaches becoming position coaches and other coaches who shouldn't even be in the league yet. When you reach that far, you are bound to hit limitations on who you can bring in. Say what you want about Fisher, the guy is well connected in the league.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro


    We've never won a super bowl, that is reason enough not to lean so strongly on inside hires.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  5. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    I do not think we rely too strongly on them. Outaide the Munch years there has been very little.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Scarecrow just can't admit he's wrong. He has to whine and hate on the franchise even if he has to make **** up to do it.

    Titans have been a better run organization than most here are capable of giving them credit for including the oilers days
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Two things. First- I've always liked the Browns for that reason. They perpetually get dumped on but keep on ticking. Second- what makes their fan base better than ours? Because last time I checked-we are still selling out games. And if was the greatness of Cleveland's fan base that drew another team back, then how did Nashville get a team in the first place? Sounds like you are revising things again in order to suit your argument.

    Ummm- yes it is. At least with me it has been.

    ...Yep- you're just sore we were right about Munchak. Jesus you got it bad. [/quote]

    We "act" as if bud fired fisher the day after the season and handed it over to munch .....? The gripe has ALWAYS been that Bud waited TOO LONG to fire Fisher while other organizations did it at their season's end and began a LEGITIMATE head coach search. 49ers had a worse record than we did and have been better ever since that hiring period.

    I've already pointed out how sloppy and inefficient our search was. I know you are smart enough to realize the timing and the limited interviews are indicative of Bud's desire to "hand off" the HC to "one of his guys". And btw- how did it work out? [/quote]

    Really? I don't remember ever posting anything to that effect. Make sure you have the context fully quoted if you go down that route.

    Again- the gripe has been it took TOO LONG to fire Fisher. The gripe is that the Titans did not interview the most qualified applicants during that hiring period, whether by intent to limit public debate and allow Bud to have one of his guys or by accident due to the organization's incompetence at the time.

    And it is ridiculous to suggest we love to "hate on" Munch personally. His performance as a HC speaks for itself. So did Reinfeldt's as a GM. And their retainment in their respective jobs was largely because they were who Bud wanted. Bud finally admitted MR's incompetence and canned him when Manning chose Denver.

    I've posted earlier in other threads that this is the most excited I've been in 10 years for the franchise. I don't think we'll go over 9 wins this season, but I like where the franchise is going now. And I know the fan fervor will return to LP field as it was in the McNair/Eddie era when we start getting some quality wins and avoiding the embarrassing losses, especially at home. I'm thinking 2015 we are playoff bound and 2016 we are a legitimate contender again.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Great post. And I agree about not crying over it now, EXCEPT that we can LEARN from that type of mistake. Promoting from within limits exposure to ideas and methods in any business. I understand that Bud did it because he was aware he wouldn't survive a transition period. But it wasn't the best hire for the franchise.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  9. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    You sound just like Dunce. You'd rather the Titans suck just so you can be right on a message board.

    I'm wrong as much as I'm right, have never had a problem admitting it, unlike you.

    I have no issue with that. The issue I have is the circle jerk hate on Munch bandwagon that included that we didn't do an outside hire and are just good ole boy. The good ole boy argument has already been proven bunk by Hammer and others. The outside hire whining, as I pointed out, was due to the late firing of Fisher and the FACT that the original plan was to not fire Fisher.

    Again, you where crying your arse off on how long it took to hire Whis. So did you want the Titans to go an extensive coaching search after Fisher was fired at the end of January (a time frame that is 3 weeks after Fisher was fired)?

    Bud's desire was to keep Fisher. Why can you not understand this?

    If it wasn't you it was others, I have a tendency to label all the whiny crybitches into one group now. Not going to waste my time going through "search".

    You are telling this to someone that said we should fire Fisher before the 2006 season....

    Again, and you just can't seem to understand reality, is that Bud was planning to keep Fisher. The plan wasn't to fire Fisher which is the main reason for the handoff imo.


    Did you keep your tickets? You threatened to sell them so many times I've lost track of what happened.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    he did it because he never planned to fire Fisher in the first place and when he did there wasn't time to do an extensive coaching search. There is nothing in Bud's history to suggest he would be opposed to hiring outside of the organization.
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