Where is VY? (all things Vince Young goes here)

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by grindtime, Feb 10, 2011.

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  1. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro


    butterfly effect
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  2. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    Somehow this thread has become juicy once again!
  3. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    Lol! Index bored.
  4. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Except you talk about the entire franchise history in Super Bowl era. Not my fault that you are not properly articulating your message.
  5. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Wrong again. Damn Alex- check for a gas leak in your house. The post you reference specifically stated Munchak as an internal hire. Your response is on the level of "I know you are but what am I".....
  6. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Read the last paragraph of your post. You need to make it more clear if you are only talking about fisher era because you keep referencing the franchises Super Bowl history
  7. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Read the last sentence in the paragraph above. The entire post is about Munchak's hire. The lack of SB wins relates to the concept of Munchak only being exposed to non SB winning Oiler/Titan coaching methods. The internal hire of Munchak was not ideal.

    I realize you are struggling with this idea, and me in particular, but Jesus Alex I know you are smarter enough to get that. You are dissecting the post for context to suit your needs. I've also pointed out in an earlier post that you frequently do that.
  8. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Why don't you just say "we shouldn't have made an internal hire from the Fisher staff/era because the Fisher era was unsuccessful."

    When you say "we shouldn't make an internal hire because the franchise has never won a Superbowl" it certainly makes it seem as if you are talking about the past 48 years and not specifically about Munch following Fisher.

    And I guess you still can't acknowledge how unfeasible a coaching search is that begins in the last week of January.
  9. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Fair enough

    I'm not following this. I agree it IS unfeasible to fire a coach that results in a coaching search starting in late January. Firing Fisher at that time was stupid it should have been done at the end of the season if it was going to be done. But even so, the coaching search WAS a joke. They interviewed a handful of mediocre applicants some to meet requirements and others out of courtesy. There were no REAL contenders brought in because Bud wanted Munchak. So I'm really sure what you mean when you make the above statement.
  10. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    I don't think Bud or the organization had a masterplan to hand off the franchise to Munch. I think Bud chose Fisher, as evident by his late firing and comments at the time about Fisher extending coordinators which led to his dismissal. That pissed off Bud, Bud fired Fisher, it was too late to make a true coaching search, so the plan was put in place to hand off the franchise to a longtime Oiler legend and fantastic position coach, who I am sure was well respected and liked amongst the organization and other coaches on staff.

    Again, my point is simply that people are over the top whining and bitching and moaning about the Titans being a good ole boy system. That is flatly false from the franchises history. The master plan was never to keep a good ole boy system in place, the master plan was to keep Fisher. **** went down, too late for a quality coaching search, hand off the franchise to a successor of the same system and hope for the best.

    To put it another way, the plan to hand off the franchise to Munch was only put in place BECAUSE of Fisher's late firing. Otherwise it never occurs or would have been much less likely to occur.

    Make sense?

    (as far as firing Fisher then being stupid, I agree it should've done immediately. Or as I've said previously, it should've been done after 05' when McNair and Fisher should've been let go and the organization shifted in a different direction. That way both could be let go, with no hard feelings, and be remembered without the stain and tarnish that ended both of their Titans tenures)
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