FIRE MUNCHAK (ongoing)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Astrophysics, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. Renfro95

    Renfro95 Starter

    So hes not just the interim in your mind? Hes the coach next season in this hypothetical situation?
  2. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    It sucks. Hard.
  3. kstone

    kstone Starter

    Yea. Munch is not going to get fired before season's end. Plus Williams was going to be Fisher's replacement anyway. Not saying it is for the best but will probably happen.
  4. Renfro95

    Renfro95 Starter

    I figure it to be a long shot. Another name I like, probably not very popular, would be David Shaw. HC from Stanford. Always liked him.
  5. Renfro95

    Renfro95 Starter

    Cool. I was just clearing up what you were talking about. Just thought I would see who people want.
  6. kstone

    kstone Starter

    No reason for Gregg to be here otherwise really. Same d just when they do good he gets the credit but when they do bad he does not get the blame because he is not the coordinator.
  7. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Enough. Seriously. All defense of Michael Anthony Munchak should officially cease now. This guy is a proven loser.

    - 3 years on the job, 3 years of no playoffs.
    - Lost to the worst team in football in all 3 years.
    - 4-11 in the division throughout his tenure. Just WOW.

    PLEASE TOMMY BOY... clean freaking house. This franchise is in dire need of a fresh start. It is truly getting tough to continue supporting this team. I said this in the gameday thread and I'll say it again... it's like freaking Groundhog Day. Every year we watch the exact same season play out. Dropping games to horrible teams. Dominating good teams only to blow it in the 2nd half. Flashing elite potential only to rip your heart out EACH and EVERY time.

    Let's be honest here, NOTHING has changed since Fisher left. And I'm freaking sick of it. This franchise is a complete joke. We're right there with the Browns, Bills and Jaguars as perennial losers of the NFL.
    • High Five High Five x 10
  8. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    In Munch's post game he said:
    "We have 6 games left we can win them all and be in good position... gotta play 60 minutes... not have costly mistakes."


    Please just resign.
    • High Five High Five x 6
  9. Titansman1

    Titansman1 Time To Start Crushing!

    Yes, enough is enough! If the new owner is true to what he said the other day when he said he wanted a physical, hard nose team! That would mean this whole staff is gone!

    I think we have enough talent to compete but it's obvious that it's the coaching and my patience has wore out!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    I'm not sure why we expected anything different.

    This is what happens when you wait until February to fire the previous head coach. All of the top head coach candidates are signed and you have to go with some flunky who can't assemble a decent staff because the good position coaches have already taken jobs with their new head coaches that were hired weeks beforehand.

    This is Bud Adams' fault, just remember that. It wasn't Mike Reinfeldt. It isn't Mike Munchak. This experiment didn't have a chance because the crazy old ******* had to be convinced over the course of a month that Vince Young was not the future of the Tennessee Titans. He then wouldn't extend Fisher's contract(rightfully so) and that prevented him from signing any decent assistants because everyone in the league knew he was a lame duck head coach. They agree to part ways, unfortunately it was six weeks after the season and about five weeks too late. I mean, the candidates were Mike Munchak and Mike Heimerdinger. MIKE HEIMERDINGER HAD ****ING CANCER!

    With any luck the new ownership sells the team and we get the franchise the fans have deserved for the better part of a decade.
    • High Five High Five x 3
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