Want to get rid of Webster?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Thaddeus43, Nov 5, 2014.

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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

  2. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    This is good.

    Kelly will most likely want to get Mariota to run his offense. We just need to trade our 1st round pick to him for a kings ransom.
    • High Five High Five x 5
  3. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    I don't think we could have a top 5 pick AND have Mett pan out though. If Mett pans out, then we should be winning some games and that should push us out of the top 5 ... top 5 would probably be a little too rich for the eagles to trade into anyway.

    So we need to see Mett look really good, and win 5 out of the next 8 games. That would give us a record of 7-9. That, IMO would be worthy of keeping Mett as our starter in 2015, and could also keep us at about a 10th overall pick.

    Then we just hope that Mariotta falls a little bit (we see a player fall every year). We are sitting there at 10 and get a trade with the Eagles.

    My guess is the Eagles will be picking around #27. We can trade our #10 pick for #27 and #59 as well as a 2nd round pick next year.

    Then we can pick up CB/LB/S in the 1st 2 rounds and really help out our D
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    I don't think Webster's the problem. I actually think we're a QB away. We'll see how the rest of the year plays out. Maybe Mettenberger can be a stop gap or solution.

    We can fill in the pieces on D through the draft to have a really good team next year. Maybe Mett gets hot. Crazier things have happend
  5. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    I think the Jets are in worse shape. I don't see them firing their GM after 1 year (he will promise to spend all of his salary cap when he gets HIS coach). But if the GM holds back $24mil in cap space just to screw over the current HC he wants gone, havent you tanked the season to an extent? To 'prove' he wasn't doing that (cuz fans starting finding out how much cap space the Jets never spent...BOOM...they trade for Harvin...too little too late).

    Idzik is a piece of work. Who was his big signings? Decker who has been a lot better than people thought (but hurt a lot and not an ideal #1) and...CHRIS JOHNSON who is doing to them what he did to us last year. Thanks for the paycheck.

    So the Jets will fire Rex, trust Idzik to find them a good coach (might give Morningwig a shot if they fire Rex sooner than later). Again, I could see them taking Winston or Mariota but only Winston fits their system and Idzik would have to be smart enough to know that and be willing to fire Morningwig if they got Mariota.

    And Kerley is behind where he should be. I'd take our skill people over the Jets. And like us, they have no good pass rush and I don't know how well their defense will be once Rex leaves. He was hiding a lot of holes with scheme.

    So they need a QB but they could magnify the boom or bust thing to a new level if they take Winston and put him in/under the spotlight of New York. They need a new coach(es) and a pass rush. So they need as many pieces as we do plus a whole new coaching staff and the players (including a rookie QB) learning those systems.
  6. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    If Mett plays well and shows development, it's not about the win loss record. What if he plays poorly but win despite him. Do you keep him as your QB of the future? NO! So there are many ways to lose football games (and we have shown several this season). In many of our games, our QB play has not been the main problem. But Mett needs to be significantly better than he was 2 weeks ago, win or lose.

    And if you want me to drop 17 spots out of the top 10, you'd better offer me more than a late 2nd and a 3rd! Granted you said 2nd this year and a 2nd next year, but a 2nd next year is the equivalent of a 3rd this year. I wouldn't make that deal if you offered me their 2nd and 3rd this year and another 2nd next year.

    In most drafts there are 5-10 top prospects and another 10-15 who also have a legit 1st rnd grade. If you trade past 20, you are probably not drafting a 1st round graded player and in addition, are losing out on a potential blue chipper or one of the elite players in the draft.

    The Bills last year moved up 4 or 5 spots by giving the Browns their first this year, a 4th this year and a 1st rnd pick the following year. That was just to move up a handful of spots and they were still getting an elite first rnd pick. You wanna drop out of an elite first rnd pick to essentially a 2nd round player for a 2nd and a 3rd? And if it was the Eagles coming for Mariota? NO WAY!!! I'd make them pay a King's ransom because we know he'd be uber destructive in that system and we both know it (or make them think it). I'd start with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd this year, a first next year and Nick Foles (who I hear they are souring on).

    And why would you want a CB in the first? I'd rather take 2 pass rushers than a cb and a lb.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Two Kings

    Two Kings NJ Titan

    Webster has been fine. Don't fire the guy. He has made some smart moves. Hunter, Wright, and Lewan are doing well. Pick guys that have potential is really all you can consistently ask of a GM.

    Just like you can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink. Webster isn't going to follow Hunter home and sleep at his house reminding him every waking second to stop being such a "JAG". It is up to those guys to cut the BS, put their nose to the grind stone and become a great.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President


    Well, basically I was just using the draft trade chart.

    I don't remember exactly, but I think pick 10 was worth ~1300 pts, and pick 27 was worth ~600 and pick 59 was worth about ~350.

    However, you are right about how teams usually devalue a pick in the next year's draft by 1 round (I didn't take that into consideration)

    So we could trade the #10 for #27, #59 and a 1st round in next year's draft ... Don't get me wrong, I would love to get more than that, I was just trying to stay within reason. Hopefully we could get more.

    And I wasn't necessarily saying to take a CB in round 1. I was just saying that CB/LB/S could be 3 picks in the 1st 2 rounds for us (in any order) and help our D out a lot ... Also, when I said LB, I meant pass rushing OLB

    And Yes, You are right about Mett needing more than 'just wins' to prove he is the guy. Obviously his quality of play is what will determine if he is the guy going forward or not. I just think that if he proves he is the guy with his play, then he will win some games as well.

    I also believe winning is a big factor in him proving he is the guy (not just watching him put up good stats). I want to see him lead the team, take the games into his own hands and win. That to me is MUCH more important that seeing him have a high comp % or a lot of yards (both of which could be padded in garbage time).
  9. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Hunter sucks. Not worth what we gave up.
  10. Two Kings

    Two Kings NJ Titan

    Yea, but is that Webster's fault or Hunters?
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