Vic Beasley

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by satkins2252, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    This is why the Titans should have gone after Dan Williams to play NT and why I am quite high on drafting Eric Kendricks who is a tackling machine!!!
  2. 2ToneBlueBlood

    2ToneBlueBlood Pro Bowler

    If they took him at #2, I would be completely fine with it. Beasley is my favorite defensive prospect in the entire draft. He is the only one of the OLB's that played all 4 years and produced and improved each year. Compare his size and combine numbers to an NFL player and he's Von Miller.

    Saying he's going to lose weight and be undersized is silly. He got his weight up for the combine and ran extremely well. Just because he played at a lower weight in college doesn't mean he won't keep weight on in the pros. We don't know if Clemson encouraged him to get his weight up or not. But now, being in the NFL with football as his profession, he won't have the distractions of college like studying, classes, etc. and can concentrate fully on football with a professional strength & conditioning coach.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Its not silly, its real life. Ive never maintained my preseason weight in any sport at any age, always dropped 10-15lbs by seasons end

    Chris Johnson as a matter of fact in 2010 or 11 talked about how he likes to come in at 215 in August so he's not down to 190 in December, its a real concern for Beasley IMO
  4. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Did you have access to top notch trainers? And were you paid millions of dollars to maintain that weight though?

    I wouldn't take Beasley at #2, but you're way overthinking this weight thing. I am sure there are plenty of veteran OLBs who've come in at 250 and stay relatively the same weight all season.

    My point is if you're worried about this issue with Beasley, you might as well be worried about every player in the league maintaining weight by season's end too.
    • High Five High Five x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I am concerned about this for everyone, take Bud Dupree, at 270 at least when he thins out over the course of the year he'll still be at a competitive size for OLBs. Beasley is smaller and not good vs the run, how in the world does he help us anyways ...
  6. Chronos

    Chronos Pro Bowler

    A ton has to do with what the "weight" is - fat or muscle. If it is muscle gained through proper training, then not as likely to shed the weight through the season. If it is weight put on at Doughnut World, then yes, the physical challenge of playing in the NFL will cause a drop in weight.
  7. JiminyBillyBob

    JiminyBillyBob Pro Bowler

    Only prospects I want at #2 are Winston (if Tampa passes), LW or Cooper.
  8. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Robert Mathis is 245 on his heaviest day in real life..I don't know anything about Beasley, but if the guy has moves and speed.. size is not of much relevance in the pass rush game... as long as you can beat the T to the outside. But in the run game... yeah, a 220 lb guy will get dominated. But you know that when he gets roided and HGH'd up like the rest of the NFL, He'll be 240-250 in no time.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    There's a difference in 245 and 220, you know that right...

    I dont want to learn the hard way that he cant in fact keep the weight on, especially when he's already suspect vs the run.

    I was very impressed how much he bulked up for the combine, but Im not buying that he's really 240-250 during the season, everyone who has to add weight loses that weight. Chris Johnson, Justin hunter, Chance Warmack , its simply science...

    Lets revisit this issue when the seasons over...
  10. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    But you gotta understand that NFL heights and weights are inflated on the roster sheet.. You can probably add an inch or two of height, and probably 20 lbs on a lot of players.

    Mathis could easily be 230 lbs with no pads on.. and Beasley could be the exact same.

    I stood next to Albert Haynesworth in street clothes when I was 19 years old. I am a big person.. but honest to god, by the looks of him, he may have 1-2 inches of height on me (max) , and about 20 lbs. He is listed as 6'6 and 350 lbs.. I was 6'2-6'3.. and about 280 at the time.

    As an interior lineman, weight is a huge difference.. as a pass rushing linebacker, It's about how slippery you are. But unquestionably.. 220 is very small. That's safety sized... but people can gain muscle and weight and keep it on.

    On Wikipedia, he's listed as 236lbs. Ideally, he would weight about 20 lbs over that.. but if he is at his optimal playing weight.. he shouldn't change a thing, as extra weight may make him less effective.
    Certainly could be a liability in run support, but as a situational rusher, could be effective. May or maybe not worth a high 1st round pick.
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