Post-Game Thread Colts @ Titans

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Maker_84, Sep 27, 2015.

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  1. Obie09

    Obie09 Pro Bowler

    I haven't posted in a year, I just wanted to say I hate Griffin more than anyone in Titans history. He actually ran away from the guy with the ball yesterday, because he was scared of getting beat by him long, so he ran away so he would only get 10-15 instead. He is the epitome of awful and a horrible player. ​
    • LOL LOL x 1
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  2. tnfan47

    tnfan47 Let's Get It

    Griffin is a whimp. He had a tackle against Fleener in the flats near the sideline for 5 or 6 yards before the 1st down marker, but Fleener turned up field running through him with a stiff arm to gain 10 extra yards to pick up the 1st down.
  3. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor


    Nothing like last year though. We are literally one big play (Browns), and one of many plays going our way (Colts), from being 3-0.

    Last year, if we are down 2 TDs, the TV goes off and fans find something better to do.

    It sucks, but we will not be bottom dwellers much longer.
  4. The Bukafax

    The Bukafax Starter

    Its a fluke. Just the same as Luck having so many dropped INTs in prior years. A long running fluke.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  5. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    Iv'e been saying for the LONGEST time on here that Luck is a fraud. His playoff stats are terrifyingly bad and ESPN just loves to swing on him....It's ridiculous. Dude faces a tough Defense and folds like Origami.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  6. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    Wizinator blows monkey balls

    he can milk a cow but cant get the fat chick into the hayloft
    • LOL LOL x 1
  7. 2ToneBlueBlood

    2ToneBlueBlood Pro Bowler

    At least we have been competitive in every game this year so far. Last year I don't think we could have beaten Ohio State.

    The turning point in the game in my mind was the Zach Brown interception and us not getting it in the endzone. I was high up in the stands and haven't seen the replay yet, but it looked like someone was trying to block Luck to clear the way for Brown and Brown just ran right into them and didn't wait on the guy to block him. Then we try 3 times in a row to run for the TD and get stuffed and end up kicking the field goal. If we go up 31-17 there, the game is over. But that goal line stand gave them the momentum and you could just feel it in the air that the game was about to change.

    The 2 point conversion was a head scratcher. Everyone in the entire stadium knew what play was coming with Fowler and Klug both in the game. Why not run a fake off of that and boot Mariota out where he can run or pass?

    I wish our bye didn't come at such a crappy time. It's like we just got into football mode and we won't play for 2 weeks now.
  8. ropy0386

    ropy0386 Starter

    I'm not the biggest whiz supporter but we are 4th in scoring in the league. Our QB is 7th in passer rating. We spent 4 of our top 5 picks in the draft on offense, 7 of our last 8 first rd picks were offensive players. We have not focused in on the Defense in a very long time... our D-line outside of Casey is meh and our FS is soft and we have a mixed new group of LB's. IMO 33 points should be more than enough to win any game...our Defense just isn't there yet....while Casey is a very good player he's not a game changer and that's what we lack on Defense.
  9. Obie09

    Obie09 Pro Bowler

    That's the play I'm talking about I'm pretty. He should have ran at him but he backed up. Fleener saw this and knew he'd catch Griffins momentum going backwards because he's such a *****. 5 yard play turns into 15 and that is a perfect microcosm of griffins last 5 years. Playing scared giving up big gains so he doesn't get hit hard or beat for 50. He couldn't even tackle Fleener it looked like how I'd look if I tried to tackle an nfl player.:deadhorse:
    • High Five High Five x 2
  10. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    That's very valid, but you can't just turn on being a "tough hard-nosed running team" when it's on the one yard line. That is something you have to be every play, but Whiz is a pass first guy who doesn't care about OL or running consistently.
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