Is it weird to anyone else?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by cdubbs2121, Oct 26, 2015.

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  1. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    Hopefully when she is at the game, her agenda is to make her mind up on if she wants to sell.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  2. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate


    We drafted Mariota because he was the best option for the team, period.

    Why do people still think there is some kind of conspiracy? The Titans would have been stupid not to draft him.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. titansfan80

    titansfan80 Starter

    I agree my first point is a stretch but its just a thought.

    My second point about coaching is what was actually said on the radio. That all the potential coaching jobs opening could cause a domino effect for teams needing candidates. I think the dominos would fall more closer to December rather than soon.
  4. titansfan80

    titansfan80 Starter

    I agree that he was too good to pass up. I'm just saying if it came down to it, it would be a good thing for the titans to offer to anyone interested in them
  5. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    I do like the Haslam thing, and it has happened before in MLB where an owner dumps one franchise and picks up another.
  6. kenny

    kenny Starter

    I don't care who owns the team as long as they care about winning games and keeping the team in TN! I am sick of having lame duck coaches, owners, & GMs. They actually have the power to do something about this horrible start to the season; they just lack the passion & back bone to do it!!!
    • High Five High Five x 1
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  7. dtm586

    dtm586 The Master Jedi

    Yes where is the passion?
    The fire?
    The drive?
    The accountability?
    The leadership?

    Our franchise doesn't seem to show any of those qualities or characteristics whatsoever.

    It's a shame because us Titan fans at least in this forum are starving for answers. Even when we don't win, which we have become acustomed to which sadly now feels like the norm around here; I think we as a fan base at least deserve some sort of answers here!

    I know we're not Dallas or Boston or New York where you can find Jerry Jones or Robert Kraft at the drop of the hat for the media ...

    This is a small market none-the-less but that doesn't mean these chuckle head monkeys in upper-management can sit behind their desks collecting a paycheck without some sort of explanation on why this franchise is so underwhelming irrelevant from top to bottom.
    #137 dtm586, Oct 28, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
  8. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    they load the rookies into buses and make them go to Kentucky and Alabama flogging tickets.

    other than that they do nothing
    • LOL LOL x 1
  9. yanek27

    yanek27 Starter

    Very true, but all I keep hearing is DGB in negative comments both here and radio. I wouldnt blame him yet esp after missing a whole year
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