Disappointed with our most talented WR's

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PRAY IV M3RCY, Jun 16, 2016.

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  1. fitantitans

    fitantitans This space For Rent

    With the talent that we had on our OLine the last year and watching this talent get pushed around by the great and most powerful Cleveland Browns, I kinda figured it was a coaching problem, not the OLine. Now I'm wondering if we also have a WR coaching problem.
  2. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    I think we all knew DGB was going to be a bit of a project. But he's one of those guys that if he hit, oh man it's gonna be super nice for us.

    I agree on not putting too much stock into OTA/TC buzz. We've been down that road plenty.
  3. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I think MM practicing away from BSP with the WR's is what is going to straighten us out. DGB isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer but it won't take much more than plenty of reps with MM directing him to get the most out of him. And I think that's going to be a lot.

    I think DGB's attitude has always been good- he's hungry and wants to succeed. He's got QB that can help him out a lot, directing him in ways he can understand.

    Hunter on the other hand has always had a vagina.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Still? Thats now 2 years running

    Kenny Britt had the same issue his whole time here, those big WR's just arent made to be running and bending with DB's clocking 4.4 & 4.5 speeds.
  5. Mariota2DGB

    Mariota2DGB Guest

    I hope the lineup ends up as follows:

    WR-1. DGB - He led our WR's in receiving last year. He can only go up from the amount of touches he got last year. You want your 1 to be the play maker who can go up big and bring it down. Like Dez and Calvin

    WR-2. Tajae Sharpe- Excellent route runner who seems to have great hands. You want your 2 to be the most consistent.

    SLOT. Wright- He is so shifty and perfect for Marcus' best strength (the short to intermediate passes).

    SPLIT. Rotate Rishard Mathews and Harry Douglas. Harry seems to be great with the OC and Richard Mathews is talented. They just both lack the "it" factor you want in your starting 3.
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  6. xhrr

    xhrr Starter

    Well we have a new WR coach so that's a bit premature. In the past yeah but you can't really speak on the WR coach as of yet it's only been OTAs.
  7. Mitch86

    Mitch86 Pro Bowler

    Why couldn't DGB have Sharpe's "football IQ"?

    The physical aspect is there he just doesn't seem to have it between the ears. But hopefully he gets it enough to show out this year.

    Hunter...well... He's shown flashes and I think he makes the team just because of that and he was drafted high.

    Wright in the slot where he belongs should have a better year.

    Sharpe is getting a lot of praise but it's still early. I'm hoping he will contribute but I don't think he takes over a starting gig day 1.

    Douglas was pretty underwhelming.
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  8. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I'd like to see DGB sharpen up his route running. He was MAJOR sloppy in the games I saw at Nissan last year. People can't tell on TV how bad they were, especially early. I hope he has started to appreciate that crisp route running is important in allowing you to not have to fight for the ball.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Thats where I value Sharpe, he is going to show these guys how running tight routes will get you open
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  10. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I thought you were saying he was trash. You were wrong before?
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