Gregg Williams turned down chance to return to Titans

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titans News, Feb 2, 2010.

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  1. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    So basically your argument is based on a RBs coach, who is just as good, if not better then the one we had and two backups who never see/saw the ground?
  2. cajuntitan

    cajuntitan 26.2ers can do it for hrs

    My question is this: You asked it we wanted to talk about nepotism, but then you gave no examples of it. Is Pola, Nickey, or Payton related to anyone involved with the Titans organization?
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I wouldn't want to work under Fisher and/or Adams, those are possibly the two worst people to work under. They both have great business sense, but their personable skills suck at best.
  4. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    disagree wholeheartedly.
  5. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    The fascination with Williams at this point baffles me anyway. The Saints were 25th in total defense (the Titans were 28th). Keep in mind the Saints were the #1 offense, 4th in passing, 6th in rushing and 11th in TOP. With that kind of offense the defensive coach has it made.

    The Vikings moved the ball up and down the field on the Saints and if not for the turnovers the Vikings handed them the Vikings blow them out. Yet the Saints are going to the big dance and now Williams is some kind of genius? Manning will pick that pathetic defense apart.

    In fact, after the Pats game the Titans defense played better than the Saints defense. I agree it would be nice to have someone without downs syndrome as our DC but then again we have a HC with the same abnormality.
  6. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

    Oh yeah, Bud despises nepotism, that's why he would never hire anyone like his grandson, and prop him up to run the organization once he
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  7. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Several different points here...

    This is one of the rare occassions where Bongo said something that turned out to be true. He was pointing this out as the reason we didn't get Williams months ago. (He blamed it on Fisher, not Bud, but that kind of partial truth is usually true of what he's saying.) People often point out when he's "wrong," but few remember it when he calls something correctly.

    Who knows if this was a good or bad thing? We'll see what year 2 of Cecil looks like. I sure as heck hope we see some major improvement.

    People seem to complain a lot about Donnie Nickey, without knowing much or anything about him. Yes, he's been on the team for a long time and has almost no name recognition. However, he's always been incredibly cheap to keep around, he's been a great special teams player, and he's not a bad 2nd/3rd string safety. No, he'll never be a star or a starter, but I have no problem with him being the 50th man on our roster. Also, he's clearly liked/respected in the locker room. He didn't become a captain for nothing. I wouldn't fight to keep Nickey, but I have no problems keeping him around and cutting players like Paul Williams and Chris Henry.

    Bud has put his grandson in place to take over his franchise when he's gone. I certainly can't begrudge him that. I do, however, respect the fact that he's done it the right way. Ken has spent the last three years working his way through all different parts of the organization, learning from the bottom up how the team runs. He's getting a great education, he's not just being handed the keys.
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  8. Symon

    Symon Camp Fodder

    something along those lines:gag:
  9. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo


    someone who can close in really fast and make a solid tackle. not a slow player/s who cant tackle.

    how many missed tackles did our defense have last season in the open field? i know Griffin is a big baby. and our LB's could be better and meaner.
  10. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

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