Not very impressed with this scrub coaching staff

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by World Peace, Feb 23, 2011.

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  1. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I don't think you're giving Coach Munchak enough credit here. Munchak is a smart man and I believe that he is gonna take the good that he's learned under Fisher but also tune out the bad stuff. Fisher was just set in his old school ways and wasn't willing to adapt. I think that Coach Munchak is gonna be able to get the most out of this team by being stern and holding players accountable rather than show favoritism like Fisher did.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    When Jeff Fisher would play with puzzles as a kid, he would wet them so they always went where he wanted them to go.
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  3. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I agree CJ was able to on average produce a good run game, but those negative runs - not always his fault but clearly some were - kill most drives. Still think the LG and C need too switch back and open up the RG job too competiton. If Scott wins a fair competition for the position then so be it, but his play last year does not warrent accepting him at RG.

    And I agree with wg53 that a lot of the run problems were due to the Titans being unable to force teams out of their stacked fronts. fish face is one stubburn dude in that run game that we all know.

    As for Palmer I got no issues. It is what it is. Can't be any worse than Chow.
  4. EdRomeo

    EdRomeo Football Fan

    I agree about CJ and you may be right about the LG and C I wouldn't know.
    I was only speaking to why Razzano could make this statement which you seemed to disagree w/: Ex run game and OL

    Razzano overstated to be sure (that's what media dudes do) but I think we can agree that between CJ, decent run blocking and top level pass protection net-net Jake is in a good position?

    Nah, dude.
    My bad I was asking you about what the OP thought.
    I know you don't have a beef w/ Palmer.
  5. SEC 330 BIPOLAR

    SEC 330 BIPOLAR jive turkey

    I don't understand why Erick isn't excited about Munchak. The man is a legend. Just look at his resume. He's not just some bump on a log. He's spent the last 30 some odd years on the Titans/Oilers side-line in one capacity or another. He's in the Hall of Fame for Pete's sake! What's not to like?
  6. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    I'm excited to see what this "scrub" coaching staff does. I hope we go back to the 46 D as our primary D, and play old school football. For those of you who may not know what a 46 is, here's a diagram:


    Under my plan (see FA thread), Haynesworth would be back on the Titans.

    --Finny----------Morgan - Brown - Haynesworth - Jones------------Verner--
    ----------------------------------------------- McRath --- Ayers ---------

    I could see this working well for Hope. There's no doubt he can tackle, his coverage skills and speed are just subpar. Under a 46, he can now be more of a run-stopper than a coverage SS. Griffin is now a "ball-hawk". McRath would pickup the TE, unlike in our old scheme that had Tulloch lineup on the TE. Ayers is a hybrid SAM and would do some blitzing. Our DL would be scary.
  7. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    Interesting idea, but McGrath has looked awful in pass coverage most of the time. I'm not sure he is a good fit for that role and I'm not sure the Titans have anyone on the roster who is.
  8. AH3

    AH3 Rookie

    I like the 46 too. We would need to make sure that our corners were up to the task though- they can get left out on an island in the 46. That's especially scary considering we face Peyton and Andre Johnson each twice a year. It'd be nice to sign Asomugha, but we all know that won't happen.

    With Hope's play and contract, I think he needs to go. At the very least, we need to renegotiate his contract. I wouldn't mind bringing in another CB and shifting Finny to S either. It also sounds like Robert Johnson is coming along well and may fill in for Hope soon anyway.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. 2ToneBlueBlood

    2ToneBlueBlood Pro Bowler

    Speaking of our LBs I'm curious as to who you guys think our best coverage LB is? I don't think it's McGrath, but then again he could be the lesser of the evils. Haven't seen enough of Ayers to make a call on him, but he ran like a 4.8 at the combine, probably not fast enough to cover the likes of Antonio Gates and other big play TE's.
  10. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I think Witherspoon is our best LB in coverage but that isn't necessarily a good thing though. None of our guys are very fast so this could end up being an area that teams continue to target and pick on.
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