All things Cam thread

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titanup1982, Nov 15, 2015.

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  1. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    Contratulations, you guys beat one of the worst teams in the league :clap:

    Here to trash talk?
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  2. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

    I'm more pissed at this team than I am Cam.

    We knew how he was. I know the players knew. So if they didn't want him to celebrate they should have stopped him.

    Im tired of this offense. Our season was basically over before this game, and those are the plays you are going to dial up??

    2 and 11, let's run a draw with our 170lb slot receiver that is now playing RB.

    Mariota showed if you let him get in a rhythm, he can do work. AA did ****.

    Go Buckeyes..
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  3. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    It's the same fags I blocked that's on this thread praising Newton. Doesn't seem to amaze me at all.

    It's all good, because come playoff time Cam will go his typical 9/30 1 TD and 3 INTs ​
    • High Five High Five x 2
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  4. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

    Lol must be that time of the month.
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  5. Strawman

    Strawman Special Teams Standout

    Nope, came to congratulate you one seeming to have found a franchise QB (not an east feat), now he just needs weapons.

    But when I see an anti Cam thread I had to comment, sad and funny at the same time.

    I noticed plenty of older guys at the game wearing their McNair jerseys, and what I assume we're their sons beside them with a Newton jersey on, not to mention McNairs son as well.

    Wipe some of the crust off your butts and realize, that's what the younger crowd enjoys, they want to see celebrations and dancing. Maybe if Mariota was a little more exciting, those kids are wearing his jersey. But hey, I always enjoyed Emmit Smith over Barry Sanders when the played.
    • High Five High Five x 2
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  6. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    I'll bite, mostly because I am bored, let's see how many I can think of

    Ryan Fitzpatrick

    Johnny Manziel


    Brett Favre

    NFL Cuts 'Throat' Taunting - CBS News

    Peyton Manning

    Peyton Manning of Denver Broncos fined for taunting

    Well that is four, anyone have any other
    • High Five High Five x 1
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  7. Strawman

    Strawman Special Teams Standout

    But he will be in the playoffs.

    You berate him as classless, but I see plenty of posters wishing for a serious injury, watch out for karma.
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  8. XO

    XO Nevada Native


    Salty? Yes

    Have you registered as an endangered species yet because Panthers fan are rumored to be a myth?
    • LOL LOL x 2
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  9. steverife

    steverife Pro Bowler

    I don't mind the first down thing, but I thought the TD celebration was over the top and disrespectful.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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  10. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    I get your point, but Cam is classless. However, I do not wish injury upon him, but a nice thrashing in the playoffs would be oh so satisfying.
    • LOL LOL x 1
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