is it fair to compare whiz to munch??

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by 520, Oct 26, 2014.

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  1. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    So I see a lot of "look what munch did with the same players" but I think its really an unfair comparison.

    First reason is munchs system was much more similar to fishers than WHIZ's is to munch. So the transition wasnt as drastic. Another is munch had a few years to get people for the little differences there was. I mean we even picked a qb with the same skill set as fisher had.
    Also munch couldnt get past 9 that's he could do. Whiz is still unknown

    So what do you think?? Is this a lame comparison
    #1 520, Oct 26, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    Totally disagree. Munch had an all new coaching staff just like Whis has had and Whiz was a head coach for 6 years before coming here. Why does he need training?

    This is not a super young team of rookies and 2nd year players either. These are the vet free agents added over the last 2 seasons. Players who were starters or significant contributors on their previous teams.


    That's half a football team of experienced players!

    This myth, lie that Whiz and Horton are mad scientists with ultra sophisticated systems that need time. They are not unusual at all! Our offense and defense are conventional!

    Other teams have switched from a 4-3 to the 3-4 defense with solid results right away. Did the Eagles struggle with their new offense when Kelly got there?

    Only Whiz and Horton get a pass?

    Coaches need to get the most out of what they have. So Whiz can only get results with hall of fame drop back style QBs?

    Our defense gave up a 98 yard drive to a QB that we discarded!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Harbaugh took a losing team and made them a winner right away. Bruce Arians is winning games with Carson Palmer.

    The 2011 Texans went from one of the worst defenses to one of the best after a system change. Same with the Cowboys this year. Horton on the other hand needs more time.

    I have been following football longer than most of you have been alive and i have never seen a D-coordinator get his butt kissed more than Ray Horton. Every sack or good play is all because of his scheme but when we can't stop the run or give up 98 yard TD drives he has nothing to do with it.

    Horton has never had a top 10 defense or coached a super bowl defense but he is elite somehow. Why is that? This defense is horrible!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I'm not impressed with this scrub coaching staff.
    • LOL LOL x 9
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  5. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro



    Erhardt-Perkins is the offensive system used by Whiz. Probably the most generic system named after 2 coaches from the 1980s. It utilizes elements of a power running game and a balanced passing attack. All teams use some elements of the west coast like short drops with slants and swing passes, all teams use some elements of the spread. Watching our running game it is as vanilla as you can get. Traps, delays and toss plays. Wow! I thought Palmer was more creative with out running game than we are now.

    As for defense Whiz went to the super bowl with a 4-3. Clancy Pendergrast was his DC a guy he kept from Dennis Green's coaching staff. Horton wasn't DC until his last 2 years there which were obviously not successful.

    Horton experienced the transition from the 4-3 with the Browns who ran Dick Jauron's defense before so he should know how to do it smoothly.

    This is an under achieving football team.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  6. TitansWillWin2

    TitansWillWin2 Pro Bowler

    Like I've said before. Players make teams. Not coaching. We could have the best coach in the league and still only win maybe 7 games this season.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  7. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Let's compare after 3 years. Because like it or not, barring zero improvement in 2015, he's getting at least 3 years.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    I think Whiz has done a pretty poor job of in game management. Especially with his poor use of the challenge.

    But I will give Whiz tons of credit for making the move to Mettenberger. Whether Mettenberger ends up being our franchise QB or not is yet to be determined. But Whiz knows that you have to have a QB who can throw the ball to be successful in this league. So Mett gets 8 games to show what he has. I think we are all keeping our fingers crossed that he has the mental ability to be the man because we know that his rocket arm is NFL quality.

    Our poor record this year is not solely because of poor QB play. The players, coaches and GM are all responsible.

    We really have to start drafting better. Way too few impact players. This league is about matchups and we don't have a single player on either side of the ball that teams truly have to worry about.
  9. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    We have Casey, but he's literally it.

    But yeah, we have been pathetic at bringing in impact players and I don't see it getting any better until Ruston is replaced with someone competent at that position.
  10. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    this team is most poverty.
    • LOL LOL x 2
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