Mike Reinfeldt messed up big time this offseason..

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PitBull, Apr 25, 2009.

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  1. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    these types of threads seem to be a broken record with MR. I think last season we were all thinking the same thing.

    I can't say we are as good as we were last season, because we're not, but I don't think thats on MR. We made a play for Boldin, Holt, and Owens, but none fell our way. We tried to get Canty but it didn't happen. We signed that CB to an offer sheet but it was matched. We were making an effort to improve, so I wouldn't say MR messed up big tim,e I would say hes catching some bad breaks.
  2. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    Any statement declaring that throwing VY at the helm of a 13-3 team and saying 'ok kid, i know you rode pine last year but its your shot, and its AFC Championship or bust' is pretty foolish in my book. We resigned KC cuz we got him at a good price, and the contract was only for 8 mil guaranteed, which is the only number that really matters. KC can take us deep into the playoffs, VY we don't know about. This isn't a rebuilding phase, it's a window of opportunity, and I see KC as the best available option we had for the starting QB job
  3. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    The QB of this team isn't asked to do much. We have a top RB duo in the NFL, the best OL, and one of the best defenses. No matter who the QB is, the Titans will win.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    I don't know. I really can't wait to see how KC plays this season against a schedule with actual tought teams. Most of the teams we beat last year were non playoff teams and we were trying to pass them along as tough games to show we are for real. well now were playing the steelers and patriots and elite teams. And im not saying vince will just have a magical pre season but with britt gage and nate along with hawk and cj in the back. It will put a lot of pressure on kerry to produce through the air. Because if vince makes smart throws in pre season this year with a full offseason workout under his belt i can see jeff making the switch to also add another element kerry cant bring. I don't want to turn this into a vy bash thread it's just something im looking forward to seeing.
  5. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    Absurdity. Regardless of scheme or coach or anything really the QB is still the most important player on the field. KC's TO:TD rate was great and he had several games where his arm is the reason we left victorious. Don't downplay his value amigo, I'd much rather have him then about 80% of the QBs out there.
  6. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    A. We stomped out the Steelers last year, along with 12 other teams. Playoff teams or not, we rose to the occasion more then any other team, including the ones with easier schedules.

    B. Quit throwing Hawkins name out there like he's a major asset. The only thing he has proved to me is that he couldn't make one of the 5 worst receiving cores in the league and he couldn't grasp a run-first playbook. Not too impressed with him so far, and I feel that I have no real reason to put too much faith in the idea of him being profoundly successful, or anything more then a Chris Davis for that matter. Time will tell, but until it does, Hawk is a non factor on this team, and should be referred to as such.

    C. KC made smart throws consistently in the regular season all year last year, including ones to the bench and cheerleaders instead of the opposing linebacker 10 yards in front of you. VY has had great success, and still has HUGE potential, but for now I'm perfectly happy with sticking with the tried and true approach to QB: Hitting open receivers, not defenders, with the ball. Something KC does pretty damn well. Something VY has showed considerable trouble with.
    All that being said, I want VY to start for this team. But when he does, and I think he will, I want to be convinced that he is the best option we have at QB, not Ramsey, not Collins, not anyone else on our roster. He has to earn the job now, not just get it handed to him like he initially did. And at this moment, it's clear to me that KC is our best bet
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    Well I'm not saying throw Ramsey in there but a good QB will win for the Titans. He doesn't need to throw 25 touchdown passes and be a pro-bowler, it'd be nice though.
  8. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    :biglaugh: at "being nice."
    Thats not "being nice". NFL coaches don't say things to "be nice". This is professional Football not ballet. He made a commitment to make him the starter soon, and thats what he intends to do. He didn't say "If Vince works hard, he might work himself back to starer.. instead he said Vince will be made starter soon, and is the future of this franchise. "being nice"..lol

    So is their age an issue or their salary? which one is it.

    I don't see them being expensive since our other option at WR who we seem to be negotiating with (Boldin), will come for a higher price tag. And I'd hardly say $4mil is expensive for the most consistant TE in the league.
    Seriously.. how much did you think they were getting paid?

    Stat wise, KFC was average in all aspects. The only positive was that he was more careful with the ball than VY was the season before. As a matter of fact, i believe his stats were pretty similar to VY's of the season before.. minus the interceptions.
  9. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    Amen brother..
    Well.. i don't agree with "no matter who the QB is".. but i agree that our QB isn't asked to do much, and having the top RB duo and the best OL in the league helps alot.

    Its hilarious how so many give KFC too much credit for tossing the ball into the stands every once in a while rather than trying to squeeze it into the hands of the receivers like VY tried to do.
  10. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    Thats like saying 'Courtney Lee is pretty similar to Kobe Bryant...minus the points'. Minus the interceptions is everything when you're and NFL QB. Score TD's, don't turn it over, move the ball. That's what QBs have to do and that's what KC showed that he can do. His stat's we're only above average at best, that's true, but taking into account the fact that people with 'elite' stats probably throw the ball 50-100 more times in the course of a season, I'd say that KCs stats are just fine and I'm damn glad we have a solid QB coming back to start again instead of a question mark and a prayer
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