VY and Fisher Will Not Be Together Next Season

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by stump1000, Dec 23, 2010.

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  1. stump1000

    stump1000 NFL Insider

    I was watching NFL Network a few minutes ago and they said "The rumor is Jeff Fisher has said if VY is forced on him again then he won't be the Titans HC next season." I'm not sure I got it correct word for word but thats pretty much what they just said. I think we all pretty much figured it but figured I'd post it. The worst thing that could happen is to have them both come back and the drama get going mid season in 2011 again.
  2. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    To everyone who says:

    "Jeff Fisher would get another head coaching job in 5 minutes if he ever left the titans"

    I pose this question...

    "Where is he gonna go and win a superbowl?"

  3. BudAdams

    BudAdams SayHelloToMyLittleFriends

    It's true...Jeff just told me this in a text message.
    • High Five High Five x 4

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Good, hope Fisher does leave.
  5. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    The NFL Network guys don't know anything more than we do. They are just speculating. The decision on whether Fisher and/or Young will be back next season probably hasn't been made yet.
  6. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    Bud has already said he isn't pleased with Fisher.

    Fisher acts like he's Ceasar or something. His ego has gotten way out of control. Atleast Vince attempted an apology.

    The Scaife situation did it for me. Scaife (who has underperformed) played this whole year when Cook and Stevens shouldv'e gotten more burn. It took an incident where Fisher's ego was hurt for him to finally axe Scaife.

    Grow up and get over yourself. Fisher is the one putting himself over the team
    • High Five High Five x 3
  7. KelvisKblam

    KelvisKblam TITANic Nerd

    Oh, the groundbreaking insightfulness of the pundits on the NFL Network...Football journalists have been drawing this conclusion for months now. But if constantly repeating it as a mantra helps manifest the reality that either Fisher or VY will be gone in 2011, then I'm all about it. This organization needs change!
  8. SEC 330 BIPOLAR

    SEC 330 BIPOLAR jive turkey

    I'd rather see Fisher go than VY... because I know we'd be better off without him. Also, there's a good chance that VY will either prove me right or be the next big thing... I'll take either one. I'd love to see VY pan out into everything I hoped he would be but then again watching him attempt to burn down another coach in a contract year would be entertaining. I'd look forward to reading the posts about how the new coach is against Young and how unfair he is being to Vince. After all, football is just entertainment.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  9. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    For the record, if a new coach comes in I PRAY that they install the "tailored to VY" style offense and make sure whatever backup is on the team that they can play in that offense. Either things will rock or fail but at least we'll know.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  10. HeadOnASwivel

    HeadOnASwivel Pro Bowler

    Look, to me the both need to go, in order to right this ship once and for all.

    Any coach has got to be given the chance to draft/sign the players that best fits his system, the players that fit best into his schemes. I'm not sure Fisher has had that, at least not with the drafting of VY. I think Fisher has been trying to fit a square peg into a round hole ever since Bud forced his hand. I'm not defending Fisher here, but I will say that coaches who are micro-managed never work out in the end.

    To make matters worse, that is Fisher's biggest negative... he can't or won't adapt. The guy is just far to rigid to bend his scheme around players. VY is not nor will ever be a reliable pocket passer and what does he do, he forces VY to throw from the pocket. Again, CJ is not a pound it up the middle 30+ times per game type of player. Instead of running a more suitable offense built around CJ he chooses to remain the same and it's getting CJ killed.

    Personally I think Fisher is the worst kind of coach to have in the modern era of the NFL. The league is about innovation, constantly changing and adapting and trying to put the most points on the board as possible. Fisher is just too stubborn to change his ways and the league is passing us by in hurry.

    I'm done with VY. It's just embarrassing to have him as our franchise QB. From dancing shirtless with a bottle of tequila, to refusing to go into a game after hearing boos, to throwing his equipment in the stands and quitting on his team and coach. This dude does not have what it takes upstairs to be the face of a franchise, I'm sorry. I still don't know why Bud puts up with his antics for an average, at best, NFL QB. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm envious of Al Davis and the Raiders and, to a lesser extent, the Cardinals for understanding they made mistakes with their franchise QB's and having the courage to move on. VY is a perfect combination of Russell and Leinart, he's as average as Leinart on the field and has the mental make up of Russell off of it. And yet we're stuck with VY's antics while we sit and pray that he'll get it one day... 5 years and counting but that'll change soon right....?
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