VY and Fisher Will Not Be Together Next Season

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by stump1000, Dec 23, 2010.

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  1. SEC 330 BIPOLAR

    SEC 330 BIPOLAR jive turkey

    I don't know about five minutes but he would go faster than Haynesworth and that was pretty damn fast. Winning a Super Bowl is an entirely different question. I think Jeff would benefit by having a hands off owner. VY may be a great player and prove me wrong yet, make me a fool for losing faith in him but Adams was wrong for mandating that VY be the guy. He should have left it to the the GM and HC. That doesn't give Fisher a free pass by any means but while I think a HC should be able to adapt I also think a HC should have more say in who to take in a draft than the owner.
  2. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Correct me if I'm wrong but to this point no head coach was won a Super Bowl with two different teams.
    I think that says alot about how much the team fit, ownership and pure luck matters. Doesn't hurt to have a Joe Montana or Tom Brady either.
    If Fisher steps into the right scenario for his style of game with a little luck who knows what he could do. Same goes here - The Titans could get Sean Payton and the odds would still be against the team in regard to SB wins.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. SEC 330 BIPOLAR

    SEC 330 BIPOLAR jive turkey

    That's really very true. There are too many people trying to over simply this for sure.
  4. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    Aside from Vince Young, when has Bud Adams interferred?

    And remind you, Fisher would have picked Matt Leinart, who is worse than Vince Young no matter what your opinion of Young is, so I can't really fault Bud Adams for that.
  5. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    It doesn't matter. How many playoff games would we have won with Leinart? I can tell you for sure we have won 0 with Vince.

    There was almost no way to win in the '06 first round. Only 2 great players that we could have used were taken at 3 or lower, Ngata and D-Angelo Williams.
  6. therealtrueblue

    therealtrueblue Camp Fodder

    there would have been a bright side to drafting lienart though. by now we would have a new franchise QB and a new HC :ha:
  7. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    Probably the same amount as the Cardinals.

    And how do you figure "it doesn't matter"? My point is that if Vince Young is the only time Bud Adams interferred, then you can't use that to excuse Fisher's poor record, because I guarantee you it wouldn't be better with Matt Leinart.
  8. Titans Blue

    Titans Blue Camp Fodder

    would that be Mario williams and Reggie Bush? #1 and #2 picks of round 1 in 06
  9. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    2nd round - Maurice Jones-Drew

    Our run game was pathetic at the time.

    ... we drafted Lendale White

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    If it wasn't for Bud Adams there (1) would be no Tennessee Titans, and (2) we'd not have won a game since 2008. Bud only intervenes when it's absolutely necessary. He made sure Fisher didn't kill us all off by getting Leinart in the draft, then he saved us by making sure Fisher benched Collins.
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