Titans to make a run at Mario Williams?!?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by lilkhmerkid4u, Mar 12, 2012.

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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    What makes you think we can take on both those contracts? Unless we cut a few guys, no way can we afford both Williams and Manning. They're both going to want ~$16M/yr. We have ~$22M left to shop with, and we need to re-sign Babs.
  2. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Bud owns the team, he can do whatever he wants.

    The mistake will be in hiring Reinfeldt, Webster, and Munchak if they aren't on board with the players the boss wants.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    In theory, yes. In practicality, no. Bud is not going to get whatever he wants. The guys who are actually signing the contracts have more power than Bud in practical terms. They have the legal power to sign players, etc. Reinfeldt is the freaking CEO of the team. He certainly has it written into his contract that he has final say in player personnel matters so long as he is still employed.

    If Bud wants to fire him, then that will change. Until then, nope.

    The Titans aren't signing Peyton Manning. Bud can talk about it all he wants, but if he actually want it to happen, he will need to fire his entire front office and replace them with guys who will do what he says. I don't believe he is competent or motivated enough to do that.

    As fans, we all better hope that he isn't. Imagine a world where the Titans made decisions based on Bud's insane whims.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Bud really needs to back off before he screws us. This team is better off without him.
  5. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Clearly Bud wants to make a major upgrade to our QB position. If his employees won't get on board then he should fire them.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. pettso

    pettso Starter

    If we sign Manning, we'll surely cut Hasselbeck which is ~8M. Graham, Douglas and Shaun Smith should all be gone too which is another ~6M.

    28 (or even if we use the 22 you posted in the other thread) + 14 = 42 (36)

    14M for Mario (he won't get 16M, and if he does it won't be from the Titans)
    ~15M for Manning
    ~3M for Babs
    ~5M for Rookies

    Obviously we'll need some more depth on the team, but if Bud really wants to win now, it can be done with some contract magic.

    Not saying its realistic, and I really don't think it will. Just trying to show that we have more than enough cash to give Mario a blank check.
  7. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    Or he should listen to his advisors, men who are far more qualified than he is to be making these decisions. Ultimately, that is what he will probably do. But who really knows. He clearly has the power to fire everyone and do what he wants. Let's pray he doesn't use it.
  8. pettso

    pettso Starter

    Reinfeldt and Fisher both listened to Bud when he said draft Vince. They also listened when Bud said start Vince over KFC. What makes you think they won't listen to Bud when he says go sign Manning?

    Bud may be crazy enough to fire them if they don't at least put in a bid. I think Manning will get the hint if he does visit and won't end up a Titan but realistically, would you be that mad if Manning were a Titan?
  9. pettso

    pettso Starter

    Bud has more in mind than just having Manning as a QB. He wants Manning in the front office after he retires, and this is the easiest way to get that to happen.
  10. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    I guess maybe I am overestimating the resolve of the front office and they will eventually cave to Bud's demands. The threat of being fired is significant.

    I would not be upset at all to see Peyton as a Titan. I would, however, be upset to see him forced on a front office and coaching staff that doesn't want him and believes that Jake Locker is ready to start and gives the team the best possible long-term outlook.

    I still don't see it happening. I can't imagine the front office making Nashville seem like an appealing place if and when he actually visits. I bet they are just going through the motions for the sake of Bud.
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