Titans prepared to draft 'best player available'

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by KyTitansFan, Mar 29, 2013.

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  1. Cajun_Titan_33

    Cajun_Titan_33 Pro Bowler

    Exactly. This isn't the NBA. You can get quality starters outside the 1st round.

    I am all for BPA in 1st then posistion of need the rest.
  2. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. dontdraftcutler

    dontdraftcutler Downing Sucks. Kelly sucks even more.

    Or Chris Henry.....
    • High Five High Five x 2
  4. Danimal

    Danimal Starter

    This year may prove to be very different than years past. In the past I would be so confused by our draft selections having no plan or direction. This year our front office seems to be on a mission; they are all looking to save their jobs. Once Reinsdork hit the road all bets were off, no one feels secure to continue our middle of the road results.

    That being said I feel our draft will gravitate to the biggest bang on the board. Play maker, play maker, play maker. No projects, don't have the time, need a big bang right now. Look for them to guess which defensive player will get to the quarterback the most. High risk / high reward.
  5. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    This was my first thought as well. You go public with the info to create the threat of snatching up a playmaker like Ansah or Patterson so teams will be more desperate to trade up. Seems to me like they want Cooper or Warmack but not at 10. Smart move.
  6. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    I wasn't aware that taking a blocking TE with huge upside in the 5th is a reach.
    • High Five High Five x 4
  7. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    Neither was I. It seems that if you're picked in the 5th and aren't Gronk by the end of your rookie year GTFO.
  8. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    TTs elbow is still in 1 piece and there is no interwebs of him doing things with whores.

    TT is no Gronkowski and that's fine with me.

    Back too the point taking BPA, ignoring best roster upgrade at the spot, means the FO is secure in their future. I don't think they are secure in their future so I say BPA is just another smokescreen
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    Munch is on the horse at but I believe that he will get at least 4-5 years before he is in trouble. This is only his second year as GM (3rd year actually having impact in the draft) and I would like him to get a chance with his own coach before we cut him.
  10. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple


    lolhewasaDE. The FO acted like he was some hidden gem because they drafted a DE and made him a TE.

    Dude won't produce jack squattery. Bet the mortgage.
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