Tom Moore

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Thaddeus43, Dec 18, 2012.

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  1. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    The more I think about it, the more I am conviced that Tom Moore was brought in to be the OC for the Titans next year. I have always had this thought in the back of my head, but last night Gruden said that Tom Moore wanted to be an OC in the NFL again. Now I am convinced. To many things just make about this.

    #1 - Munch wanted Tom Moore over Chris Palmer orignally, but Moore didn't feel up to coaching at the time. Doesn't it seem strange that Munch goes out and hires his 1st choice at OC immedaitely after firing Palmer? Especially when that 1st choice at OC suddenly decides he is ready to start coaching again.

    #2 - If you do make him the OC next year, bringing him in now as the "offensive advisor" is a genius move. He gets a first hand look at all of our players. He gets nearly half a season to work with the players so he can learn thier strengths and weaknesses and will have a head start on tailoring a playbook to the needs of our team. I'm sure he has already learned our playbook which means he will be able to make a smoother transition to his system (ie keeping certain terminology, plays, formations etc) ... and by hiring him as an "advisor" he gets no pressure to turn the team around now.

    Switching OCs is always a transition that will cause some growing pains, but hiring him now will mitigate that transition. Next year Munch will be in a 'win now' situation, so minimizing the affects of this transition is crucial for him in keeping his job.

    #3 - He has as good as creditials as anyone else out there to be our OC. He might not be an 'up and comer' but Munch doesn't have the long term stability to go around trying to pick guys like that up. And an old vet coach that has seen it all and had success might be a better route for this staff to go with anyway since Munch isn't that strong of a HC

    Maybe I am being a conspiracy theorist, but I think Munch brought Moore in to be the OC from the beginning. Loggains is young, and isn't quite ready to be the OC. He will probably be back coaching QBs next year.

    I guess we will know in a few weeks
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    IDK, Moore looks and sounds like he's about to pass out at any moment.
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  3. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Yeah, lets just get a new HC and let him decide on coordinators.
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  4. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    This thought actually occurred to me last night as well when Gruden was talking about Moore. I would much rather just clean house but that decision isn't up to me and if Munch does stay then Moore makes since for the reasons you gave. I don't think it would be the worst move in the world but I'm still worried about DC.
  5. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    Tom Moore without Manning is _____________?
    • High Five High Five x 6

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Tom Moore without Manning is ___old_____?
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  7. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    I just don't think Munch gets fired this year. I think he gets one more shot unfortunately.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Don't forget he's got 2 more full years on his contract. Why next year? he sucks now, fire him now.
  9. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    Don't get me wrong. I would like to bring in an entire new coaching staff. I put a lot of the blame on Munch for not getting our team ready to play in several games that we got blown out in. I blame him for the team coming out so flat in games that we should win (jags). I think with the right coaching staff and a few FA/draft aquisitions we could do a 180 and be a very good team next year ... However, while that is what I want , it is not what I think will happen. I would be surprised to see Munch fired after this year ... just a hunch. thats all.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  10. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter

    They've already told us they are keeping munch by giving him an extension.
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