Advice thread

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football' started by Scarecrow, Sep 4, 2012.

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  1. Na$hville

    Na$hville Veteran

    RG3 vs Saints
    Luck vs Bears

    Im leaning towards rg3..
  2. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Bush plays for the Bears now... You probably knew that because what you said makes more sense due to the fact he's going up against the Colts.
  3. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Horrible situation to be in with two rookie QBs playing their first games on the road against far superior teams.

    I may actually go with Luck. The Saints dome will be going nuts and RG3 will have to try to keep up with the Saints' high-powered offense.

    The Bears obviously have a better defense than the Saints, but I don't view their secondary as being very good. Luck should do okay. The Saints' D should be a lot better with the psycho out of there too.

    It's really too tough to call. Just go with your gut. It's likely both guys have similar production.
  4. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    Agreed, I would probably stick with Luck but RG3 doesn't look like one to get raddled easily.

    You may end up with two really good QBs on your roster and some nice trade bait.
  5. Na$hville

    Na$hville Veteran

    I was just thinking Luck may be getting thrown around by the bears defense in his first start. Saints don't have a amazing defense but they are in the dome..
  6. Titaneers

    Titaneers Ultimate Player

    RGIII probably... saints may be affected by bounty gate...
    the bears? no such Luck

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Woohoo! Just claimed Kenny Britt off waivers! Too bad ESPN Leagues are gay and have no flex position, because my team is stacked at WR.
  8. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    I'd go RGIII. Skins will have to throw it a lot to keep up with NO. Plus he's a threat running the ball. Luck is probably the safer pick to not completely lay an egg. But RGIII has more blowup potential IMO.

    The only spots on my teams I'm still trying to decide on are:
    New England (vs. TEN) or Buffalo (vs. NYJ)- My heart is telling me that the Titans will have a good day so I should start Buffalo's improved defense against a team that has the likes of Sanchez and Tebow at QB. But the realist in me is saying that Locker's going to make some mistakes and there's a very real possibility that the run game is every bit as awful as it was last year. I'm currently leaning toward New England.


    Rashad Jennings or Stevan Ridley- I hadn't even contemplated Ridley over Jennings until the past couple days. MJD is going to play so who knows how many carries he will take away from Rashad. And more importantly, will he vulture all the goal line carries? As for Ridley, again the Titan fan in me wants to say that we are going to completely shut their run game down with our revamped DL. But the realist is saying that there's a chance that this thing could be out of hand by early in the second half. In which case the Pats would run the ball a lot and Ridley could rack up a lot of garbage time points. I'm currently leaning toward Rashad.

    Opinions welcome.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Seattle's defense will do well vs Arizona, and Buffalo's defense will do even better vs New York's offense. Those should be two defenses anyone can snag right now.
  10. Titaneers

    Titaneers Ultimate Player

    Buffalo's defense is very underrated.. plus it's playing against a Jets team that scored ONE TD :biglaugh:all preseason... and it was from a player that's not going to see the field at all...

    Jennings but not in a landslide..... MJD is out of shape and hasn't played in the preseason? sound familiar? i wouldn't drop Jennings just yet... remember what happened last year for ringer? Ridley should be considered a look simply because the titans will be looking at the air game all day and wouldnt be expecting a run...
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