In case ANYONE from the Titan's organization reads this site.

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by cdubbs2121, Apr 27, 2012.

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  1. cdubbs2121

    cdubbs2121 Pro Bowler

    Please. Please. Please. Do something the FANS want. You disenchant your FANBASE when there's guys available that we clearly want on the squad and then do a 180.

    PLEASE make a TRADE something exciting for this offseason. Our crown jewel to look forward too is Kamerion Wimbley? We're not THAT GOOD. So if anyone reads this, just consider THE FANS who've stuck by this franchise through locking out Steve Mcnair, VY, too many years of Fisher, and Bud's latest attempt to upset everything and get Manning.

    Make a move for Osi, or something....(mumbles to myself, shakes head)
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    And it begins...
    • High Five High Five x 5
  3. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    haha oh boy
  4. Bulluck

    Bulluck Camp Fodder

    Turn off your Xbox or PlayStation and let them do their work.
  5. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    I was honestly expecting this kind of thing a lot sooner. I guess the Peyton chase gave people something to get excited about. That's apparently worn off...
  6. cdubbs2121

    cdubbs2121 Pro Bowler

    Not sure I get this one. I'm 25 but thanks man. Looks like they've done a GREAT job so far this offseason luring premiere free agents and filling needs. I want them to succeed I just don't think they're doing enough to get impact players that will help us NOW.
  7. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    Because we are not in a position to win NOW. We are a young team and so far we have added a lot to talent to both our offense and defense with Wright and Brown.
  8. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    Dear Titans organization if you're reading this I want to say great job bringing in some serious talent in these first 2 rounds. Wright will turn our offense into one of the most dangerous offenses in the NFL in a couple of years and Brown will be a great replacement for Spoon who can cover these freakish athletic TE's in the NFL today.
  9. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    I agree and disagree with this. I agree that we are a very young team and not SB contenders yet but then again we almost made the playoffs with Britt down and the youngest defense in the NFL. Add in these two talented guys and we'll be contenders in a couple of years, book it.
  10. cdubbs2121

    cdubbs2121 Pro Bowler

    Been hearing the "we're a young team" since we drafted VY. Well we continued to be mediocre and now we're a young and up and coming squad again. Sweet.

    Have we added a lot of talent with Brown? You know that? He's been questioned for work ethic and is a "raw" player.

    I don't exactly know where you get the impression we're not in a position to win NOW. We lost to the worst team in the NFL and that was the only thing keeping us from the playoffs last year. Oh yea what was the Giants record at the end of the season?
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