Not very impressed with this scrub coaching staff

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by World Peace, Feb 23, 2011.

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  1. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    When you bring in a coaching staff... you want them to be progressive, not regressive. This coaching staff would have been considered scrubs 10 years ago... What makes you think they are going to be any better today? Why corrupt Jake Lockers brain with an abysmal UFL offensive coordinator?
  2. wg53

    wg53 Starter

    Why don't you just stfu. You don't know what you are talking about.

    He was our WR coach for 3 years in the early 90s when we had one of, if not, the best passing attacks in the league.

    He was on the Patriots staff when they reached the super bowl in 96. And he was the offensive coordinator of the Jags in the later 90s. And they were top 10 in points each year under his tenure (top 3 in one).

    What hurt Palmer's career was his links to expansion teams as he was the first head coach of the New Browns and from there he went to the Texans.

    You act as if we had our choice of the litter in regards to coaches. We didn't.

    I understand you must want the chic or sexy picks for coaches, but reality doesn't work that way. We didn't have our vacancies at the beginning of the offseason.

    Get a clue.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. EdRomeo

    EdRomeo Football Fan

    I asked Dave Razzano about Chris Palmer via twitter:!/kbrizzles

    kbrizzles Ed Romeo
    @DaveRazzano What can fans expect from Titans OC Chris Palmer? Can Jake Locker start as rookie?
    23 hours ago in reply to ↑

    Dave Razzano @kbrizzles Chris Palmer will do fine. Good OC. Wld benefit any rookie to sit/ learn but Locker can play early if has too. Ex run game and OL
    20 hours ago via web
  4. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    don't know what OL Razzano is looking at. Oh well maybe they cut Scott and switch the C and LG back where they belong. Would be a start
  5. EdRomeo

    EdRomeo Football Fan

    Your OL was great in pass protection w/ sacks and QB hits. Quality pass protection is key to a young QBs comfort level and success.

    Your interior OL may have slipped a bit from previous years but the running blocking was still decent enough to finish 14 in YPC 17 in rushing yards. And that's without having a complementary power back to spell CJ.

    You think the OP is at all encouraged by Razzano's endorsement of Palmer?
  6. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    ypc is next to meaningless when the RB is Barry Sanders, I mean CJ
  7. EdRomeo

    EdRomeo Football Fan

    Okay, I'll concede the run blocking wasn't good if you can concede that typically over the past few seasons the run blocking has been good? That last year despite the OL blocking to previous standards CJ was still able to produce a league average running game/rushing totals? And that the pass protection both in sacks and QB hits allowed was top 10 (sacks/pass protection) and No.1 (IIRC) in QB hits?

    And that all of the above at least gives you net-net a good OL?

    You didn't answer about Palmer?
  8. wg53

    wg53 Starter

    Explain to me how the run blocking is supposed to be good against 8 or 9 man fronts.

    If an NFL team wants to stop the run and goes all out to do so. Then they will stop the run.

    You have to be able to counter it through the air, unfortunately we didn't really have the ability to do so.
  9. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    LOL early 90s? you mean, before the great jeff fisher era? football has evolved since the early 90s. They didnt get it done in the era of handing the ball off 40 times a game... they wont get it done today.

    There are plenty of available coaches out there that didn't even get a fair chance at the job. Nepotism is what holds this franchise down and we took a gigantic step backwards with this scrub coaching staff.

    I have a clue.. the clue is.. we wont ever win more than 5 games in a season with munchies and this joke of a coaching staff.
  10. wg53

    wg53 Starter

    No, you don't have a clue.

    You don't see some big name coach as our new coach or our assistant coaches and you assume that they must suck. All flash and no substance.

    You act like we actually were in the market for a new coach when all the candidates were available, we weren't.

    You're adamant that we are just going to suck period. Nevermind the lockout or a rebuilding process. We are just always going to suck with Munchak as our coach because YOU SAY SO!

    You keep showing your ignorance over and over.
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