Ryan Fitzpatrick vs the Chiefs

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by JCBRAVE, Oct 1, 2013.

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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    When Jake Locker went down with an injury, and knowing we were coming up on a 4-0 Chiefs team, I got worried Sunday evening, but then I did some homework.

    As it turns out, Ryan Fitzpatrick is pretty damn good vs the Chiefs.

    2012 vs KC: 10 of 19 for 178-yards 2 TD's and added another 34-yards running

    2011 vs KC: 17 of 25 for 208-yards 4 TD's

    So maybe we're better off than anyone ever realized.
  2. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    Granted, this is a different Chiefs team, but I like it. I said it a long time ago, I think Fitz would have been in eventually most likely anyway. I do think Locker is progressing, but I am hoping to see this offense open up in the passing game now. Lets just pray that Fitz doesn't turn the ball over often.
  3. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Make me a believer, Ponyboy.
  4. Zappa71

    Zappa71 MYAAAH!

    Well, I'm sorry...but it's time to deliver on to the Chiefs their first loss of the season. We shal steal their 2013 virginity and hang it on the walls of the Titan's locker room. Whether it be by Fitzy or by the "D"...it don't matter... it's just time.
  5. Zappa71

    Zappa71 MYAAAH!

    I can live with a INT or even 2...as long as as none are pick 6's and Fitzy is putting up TD's as well (which he will).
    • High Five High Five x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Different Offense, similar defense that sent 4 guys to the Pro Bowl
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Yeah.... totally different Chiefs team. But I think Fitz will be just fine. IDK why but I'm surprisingly confident about this game. I think we match up well with them. They're coming to our house. And I'm sorry, but Alex Smith still doesn't scare me. I look for our D to give that offense fits.
  8. Anthony4Titans

    Anthony4Titans Starter

    Looks like the weakness for both defenses is stopping the run. Seems like their running game is better than ours so that is cause for concern. Can't let Charles have a big day and the Chiefs' receivers have been good at getting YAC. So please, no whiffs on tackling or they will make you pay.

    EGMNOW Rookie

    Chiefs fan here with some hopefully helpful insights.

    KC's statistical trouble against the run is largely attributable to three of the 87 runs against them this year. Those three runs came during our week 3 contest in Philly. Two busted runs by Vick (we had him contained and he got outside) and a run up the gut by McCoy. Those three runs account for almost a third of the yards against KC on the ground. You obviously count all the plays, and our defense WILL give up long plays a couple times a game, but outside of those runs we're at 3.9 ypc.

    If you have any other questions about KC I'll be happy to answer with no smak talk included! I think this will be a good game, but would caution that our 2013 defense is about as far as you can get from the previous times Fitz has played KC. I like Fitz a lot and think he's more than serviceable for you, but he's also more like Eli Manning or Tony Romo (who KC devoured, albeit at home) than Michael Vick.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. Chiefs#58DT

    Chiefs#58DT Rookie

    Sorry though man KC's defense is light years ahead of where it was in 10/11, Our D has finally spent a few years together and Sutton has got these guys playing extremely hard, Ill hold my judgment till game day but We shut down Manning, Vick and Romo (4th quarter mostly) so I find it hard to believe that Fitz will somehow light us up. CJ is making me worry a bit, Love Chris Johnson and would love to see him play at a real high level again just not this sunday haha
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