Thank You, Chris Johnson

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TheSureThing, Apr 4, 2014.

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  1. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    But there is no reason to believe that Wyatt has a personal agenda in this instance. He's had CJ's back before. If it were just Kuharsky saying it then you might have a point. But I highly doubt Jim Wyatt completely made up the stuff about the staff/FO being disappointed in CJ's work ethic. I thought his crappy work ethic was a well known thing. The whole showing up out of shape after the holdout thing. The fact that it had to be written into his contract that he had to be in Nashville for OTAs. I even heard Eddie comment about his efforts at practice a few months ago on the radio. Saying how he doesn't go as hard as he probably should. He wasn't knocking him. Just stating his opinion.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  2. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    I agree with that. We'd definitely be taking it and running with it if Verner or someone commented about what a bad teammate CJ was. The bottom line though is just like with anyone, people are going to have different opinions. I'm sure some in the locker room thought CJ was a great teammate. And I'm sure others did not.

    I mean, VY even still had guys on his side at the end. And it's a well-known fact that he was selfish and lazy.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    I'll just go from experience. I work in college basketball and I can't tell you how many times one of the following has happened with the media:

    A. They write a complete lie that just got completely misconstrued somewhere along the line or leaked from someone (player or media) with an agenda.

    B. They take something completely out of context and spin it off to attract readers.

    C. They write something only scratching the surface of what actually is going on in the facility/locker room/offices because 99% of teams don't tell the media what's actually happening.

    Or even D. It takes them months and years to break a story that people inside the organization knew about long ago, or most times unless it's impossible to hide or painfully obvious they never find out what happened.

    I'm not saying Wyatt is wrong or right. My point is we as fans don't see a good majority of what is said and done in the facility, at practices, on the road, or in the locker rooms. Even what the media writes is such a small portion of the big picture and what's actually true is even smaller. I've learned not to read into any anonymous reports or he said she said I read on the internet because I don't know near enough information to pass judgement. I deal only with facts and what I've seen is he's played every game, played injured, carried a fallen teammate off the field, and has testimony from teammates of being a good teammate.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Fair enough. But there ARE legit/reputable beat writers. And IMO Jim Wyatt is one of them. He's been around awhile and I'm not aware of any sort of controversy where he made something up or purposely spun a story to be something he knew it was not just to attract readers.

    Wyatt is the guy I trust the most when it comes to Titans news. And the reason I prefer him is he tends to stick to the news without introducing too much of his own opinion into it.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff


    Yeah and you weren't part of the 'Fisher has a VY agenda' mob when that stuff was happening here...
    If ya don't see it on the girl it didn't happen right?
  6. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro


    I'm saying that guys that share a locker room, or have shared, are bot going to talk negatively about someone in there. That's the entire premise of a locker room.

    If players went to bat for Greg Williams, why would they not do the same for CJ?
  7. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    Isn't Wyatt's whole report based on the contrary??
  8. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    Good riddance, I hope he rots on someones bench.
  9. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    This has been going on well before Wyatt's report came out. Like, atleast three years running.
  10. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    But you have no solid evidence right?
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