Titans haven’t quit on Coach Mike Munchak

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titans Insider, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. Titans Insider

    Titans Insider Titans News

    The Titans made rookie mistakes on Sunday, especially at the quarterback position.

    In the second half of an eventual 27-23 loss to the Colts, Jake Locker made some throws that doomed the Titans, none more disastrous than the pick-six he offered up from his own one yard line. He threw another interception late in the fourth quarter.

    At different stages of the game, other Titans failed to make plays when they had a chance as well, like the fumble recovery that escaped the grasp of cornerback Alterraun Verner deep in Indianapolis territory.

    Locker missed a wide open Kendall Wright in the end zone on another drive, and linebacker Will Witherspoon had an offsides penalty on 3rd-and-2 that wiped away a fumble recovery by the Titans.

    Time and time again on Sunday the Titans had a chance to make game-turning plays, but they failed to do so.

    One thing that can’t be said about the Titans at this point: the players have quit on Coach Mike Munchak, or the coaching staff.

    The Titans played hard on Sunday, something that couldn’t be said for the Cardinals in their 58-0 loss to the Seahawks. Arizona’s on a nine-game losing streak, and from afar it sure looks like the team has quit on coach Ken Whisenhunt. Larry Fitzgerald’s father said as much.

    While the losses keep piling up for the now 4-9 Titans, the team continues to play hard, but just not very well.

    If not for the gaffes on Sunday, the Titans might’ve upset the Colts.

    A week before that, the Titans killed any chances of beating the Texans with six turnovers, including five by Locker.

    There’s still no excuse for the abysmal performance against the Jaguars after the bye week, but Locker had a chance to bail the Titans out at the end of that one too, but he threw another costly pick. In the past three games, Locker has thrown seven interceptions, and lost two fumbles.

    I’m not trying to pin all the blame on Locker or the players for what’s turning into a lost season. During the first five weeks of the year, the Titans were embarrassed across the board while losing four games by at least three touchdowns.

    There have been some questionable coaching decisions along the way on both sides of the football. For instance, I didn’t agree with the decision to try a 57-yard field goal with a 7-0 lead early, which gave the Colts great field position on an eventual touchdown drive.

    Sooner or later, though, Locker and other players are going to have to step up and make game-winning plays, instead of blunders that lose games, and get coaches fired.

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    Posted In: League News, Team News

    Source: Titans Insider

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  2. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Ahh, that made me so mad!

    Honestly.. I wouldn't mind if Munch didn't get fired if we get some legit coordinators.
  3. Inaccurate Passer

    Inaccurate Passer Starter

    Legit coordinators aren't gonna want to work under someone they're better than
    • High Five High Five x 4
  4. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor


    So every coach is a better OC and DC than their own OC's and DC's?

    I see what you are saying and agree to an extent, but lets not pretend that good OC's and DC's dont work for coaches who are less knowledgeable than the HC when it comes to offense and defense :p
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    i.e. Dick LeBeau
  6. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    I'm just saying, knowing the Titans.. I don't think we'll make a move.
  7. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    every week JG proves he should be fired and every week he is still a Titan
  8. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor


    Scary part is the defense is improving....

    because we are playing worse opponents. Im hearing more and more "keep Gray for one more year" people out there.
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    whatever JGs logic in dialing down the pressure in the second half was I dont understand it.

    Its not like the Titans gained an edge against the run by doing so.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    A point has been made that a good coordinator wouldn't come with Munch having 1 year left on his contract. I kind of agree with that, everyone would have to go.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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