Trade Out of #3?

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by TitanJeff, Jan 13, 2006.

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  1. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear

    Now, I do understand the point about a pick for today v. the future. That being said, if Bush is there and both QBs are gone (a very real possibility) then that stops that right there. I think OL (the other consideration if we fell back to 4-6, say) is deep enough that I'm content to take that player in the 2nd or even 3rd if Hopkins stays.

    Another consideration, and my probable off-season strategy, is to shop Volek for sure, possibly Henry, possibly Kinney, possibly Tank or LT if that were possible. If I can get a couple of picks in the 2-4 rd range, then I use those additional picks to trade back up, maybe even back into round one. Now I'm looking for a top safety or linebacker. If I can get LenDale, assuming I've already got a QB and have traded Henry, then I do it.

    Given the article mentioned drafting a QB for a future coach/GM, I'm less hesitant about trading say, a future 2nd rounder, to be able to get back in the first round and take a guy I think will start immediately. Just in case one of the two (Jeff/Floyd) is not there in the future, if I were them, I wouldn't mind potentially screwing (sort of) a future replacement in order to save my job. But I've also just served my present and possibly future needs by doing so.

    So ideally, being conservative, I get a third for Volek (maybe a two - Jets, for example), and a 4th for Henry (maybe a three - Arizona, for example). I try to avoid giving up this year's 2nd rounder since someone who falls out of the first round will fall to us in the 2nd. Now I can use my 3rd and one of my 4ths to move up in the third; or those same picks and a future two plus a player to get into the end of the 1st; if I have an extra 2nd and a 4th, I use that with a future two to move up into the first - for example. Just thinking out loud. But that's basically what I'm thinking. If I can deal Volek and Henry to the Jets or Raiders or Cardinals (Henry would start in Arizona and Billy shouldn't take long to surpass Warner, and get to throw to Bolden/Fitzgerald) for their 2nd, then that's what I'm all about. Now I've got a two behind my own. If I have a two that high, I take that plus next year's two and target Michael Huff/Chad Greenway/Darnell Bing/DeMeco Ryans/Marcus McNeill/Antonio Cromartie etc. etc. etc. Or of course just sit there if it looks like the right people are falling.
  2. Nash

    Nash Starter

    Does Fisher not owe Chow something for coming to Tennessee? Wouldn't Chow be the one to make the choice as to which QB works best in his system? And truthfully isn't Mac an ankle injury away from being done? I'm betting we take Cutler over VY..we may trade down but Cutler will be the choice....
  3. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler


    I'm glad you didn't say Leinart
    because I don't think Norm is enamored with Matt
  4. Titans2008

    Titans2008 Camp Fodder

    There's no rule that says we have to keep all of our rookies signed. If you make 10 selections, just keep the ones that work out and ditch the rest.

    We have a better chance of getting solid starters by making more selections as opposed to less higher selections, though... History doesn't lie.
  5. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    well, historically Jeff hasn't done that

    hell, he's hung on to players LOOONG after they proved useless
  6. Titans2008

    Titans2008 Camp Fodder

    Those of you old enough to remember some of the older drafts would probably laugh hysterically if you were to go back and read some of the press some players received as "sure thing franchise players" compared to where they are now.

    I remember a lot of people who thought Brian Urlacher was a "project" who might have to play safety from lack of size. I remember the people who thought Dwight Freeney was too small to play D-Line in the NFL. I remember the people who thought Drew Bree's arm was too weak and talking about he was a "product of the system". I remember the people who thought Peter Warrick was the surest pick at receiver ever. I'm sure you all remember the unblockable Courtney Brown. The list goes on and on...
  7. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear

    Pacman was a fine player pick, but Chow was pissed we passed on MW. I don't think he'll be too happy if he's blocked out of decisions consistently. But block out Schwartz, by all means. Munchak had more influence in the draft than Chow. Wonder if he was happy with the WR picks.
  8. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Really? Got a source for that? Of course he said before the draft he'd like Mike but he is an OC, he wants as much talent on that side of the ball he can get. I don't remember a comment at all from him on the Jones choice.
  9. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    I remember hearing him say positive things regarding the 3 rooks

    i do not remember him complaining about Mike
  10. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear

    Fish or Floyd said something about Chow hitting something...hand on table...foot in a...I can't remember.
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