What is Vick worth in your eyes?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by JCBRAVE, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. $20-$40M

    3 vote(s)
  2. $41-$60M

    8 vote(s)
  3. $61-$80M

    7 vote(s)
  4. $81-$100M

    7 vote(s)
  5. $100M+

    3 vote(s)
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  1. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    FEMA? Childress answered this perfectly already.
  2. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    So your saying based on these behavioural tendencies that can't be turned off, that Vick will get in trouble again for something like dog figthing?

    I don't think he will. A better comparison would be like a high school student getting in trouble for alchohol possesion (Not comparing the severity of the incidents). It's a matter of immaturity, not morals IMO. IF Mike Vick knows right from wrong, than he realizes he made a bunch of wrong choices. A Child Molestar has no morals, he/she is addicted, and in some cases can't help themselves from knowing right from wrong. But then again, I'm no doctor.

    Is dog fighting a terrible thing to do? Yes, I think it is, but does it eternily make Mike Vick a bad person? I don't believe so.
  3. BudAdams

    BudAdams SayHelloToMyLittleFriends

  4. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff


    You're (contraction for the words "you are") totally off your damn rocker..
    Your comparison is the one that is completely off. Torturing and murdering animals has absolutely nothing to do with maturity. To equate this behavior to alcohol possession is absolutely preposterous.
    It's not maturity nor is it morality.

    I'm not saying Vick will ever hurt another animal. In fact I don't think he's that stupid. What I'm saying is that it takes a certain kind of "broken" person to get off on this type of behavior and just like a child-molester or a rapist those urges (or lack of humane sensitivities or whatever you want to call it) remain regardless of whether or not they give in to them.
  5. Shanvhere

    Shanvhere Elite

    This is Vince last year on his contract, don't think we will sign him.
  6. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    So you don't belive in realizing you made a terrible mistake, reflecting in prison for nearly two years, and changing as a person for the better?

    And I don't think the comparison was too farfetched, as long as you through the difference in magnitude out the window for a second. A teenager drinks alcohol because its "fun" even though he or she knows its wrong, there just immature for doing it. Vick knew what he was doing was wrong, but it was "fun" to him, and I agree thats terrible, but If he's learned and changed, than until you've been in his shoes, don't judge him like you know his antics.

    Not that it matters, but are you religious? If so, which religion?
  7. Pacman 4 HoF

    Pacman 4 HoF Starter

    nah prison isnt for rehabilitating criminals. LOL
  8. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

  9. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    All a bunch of crazies worshiping that Taboo, if you ask me.
  10. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    I think it's definitely possible to reform yourself from that (dog-fighting) lifestyle. Because I'd imagine for most participants it's just that, a lifestyle. It's not like they are all psychopaths that just have some innate urge that they must kill dogs. And I can't agree with comparing it to child molesting in any way, shape or form. They're both disgusting acts but there's a HUGE gap between the two in my mind.

    However, I can totally understand how some people simply can't forgive him for what he did. And therefore I can understand why they wouldn't want him as a member of their favorite team. I'm an animal lover myself but I believe in second chances. So until Michael Vick does anything to prove otherwise, I'm going to consider him a man who did some horrible things. Then paid for those horrible things and turned his life around.
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