Who are the Titans building blocks

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by SanDiegoTitan, Dec 23, 2015.

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  1. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    It would totally be a NFL vs a JV team game lol.
  2. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    I like the list, although Walker & Morgan aren't young. I'd add Avery Williamson & DaQuan Jones.
  3. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Lewan and Warmack can gtfo... Would not be on my list of players to keep around.

    Lewan is mediocre and cares more about himself than the team and Warmack just sucks.

    Wright is pretty much dead to me at this point too.

    We need at least 5 more quality starters before we are ready to compete. And that's being generous.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. dtm586

    dtm586 The Master Jedi

    He was a career backup in SF. Got the chance to finally start in TN. He was also known for having hands of stone early in his career. If I remember right his first year with the Titans he had some drops. Seems like his hands have gotten better.
  5. titanthakur

    titanthakur Pro Bowler

    Stars: Mariota, Casey, Walker
    Above average: McCourty, Orakpo, Morgan
    • Troll Troll x 1
  6. SalmonSlayer

    SalmonSlayer Pro Bowler

    Agree on Lewan, everyone seems so high on him, but he is nowhere near the hype. I think he has no business being a LT, his season has been below average as he's given up lots of sacks and so many penalties.
    #26 SalmonSlayer, Dec 23, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
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  7. JeremyWardlaw

    JeremyWardlaw Special Teams Standout

    Edit: I added in Lewan and Warmack because new management would keep them and I think just about every team in the league would want them at least for depth, some even starters.[/QUOTE]

    Taylor Lewan gets good press because he's friendly with the media and a likeable guy. The guy is a terrible OT. Did you happen to watch the Pats game on Sunday? Chandler Jones made him his little ***** on a couple of plays. Why would you make a building block out of a player that only a handful of teams would want as a starter? Warmack isn't that good either. Both mediocre at best. Titans fans should be sick of mediocre because that's all we've had for awhile.
  8. Tungtide

    Tungtide Just Another Freak

    Griffin is overrated and gets burned on coverage and tackles. I think we've had maybe one winning season since he's been a starting safety. Time for new blood there.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  9. altitan

    altitan Pro Bowler

    I would take Warmack off there for now. I'm not big on judging guys by their first year and am slow to on their second, but man oh man he is not good. It could be schemes ans such effecting him, but blocking someone is blocking someone no matter what. I am not ready to cut him loose, but I wouldn't call him a building block either. I would include Williamson, Wright and DGB (provided he stays on the path he is on now.) Morgan might be included in there as well and he displayed loyalty to the team when he could have split. But our two major building blocks are MM8 and Casey. Walker as well, but more as a mentor at this point due to his age only.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    You missed my sarcasm.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
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