Why is Webster still with us?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Riverman, Nov 5, 2015.

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  1. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Jon Cyprien sucks. I thought he was going to be good, but he's strictly an in-the-box safety.
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  2. nytitaner

    nytitaner Starter

    shoulda taken Honey Badger
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  3. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    And La'el Collins.
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  4. Prideful

    Prideful Starter

    #234 Prideful, Dec 13, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  5. XO

    XO Nevada Native

    God please no.

    I think it has been settled that Chip Kelly needs Mariota, not the other way around.

    This guy is thriving in a pure pro system.

    Go get Hue Jackson or Adam Gase and let them work their magic.

    Chip Kelly in a GM or HC role is the last thing Tennessee needs at this point IMO.

    I think it could mean steps back and seriously jeopardize Marcus's career.

    He did his best stuff at Oregon after Chip was gone.

    With all that said, Chip ain't out in Philly and Webster leaving would be good but I'm not sure it happens.
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  6. TennesseeTom

    TennesseeTom Starter

    Was just about to post about the Rapaport tweets. It's encouraging. It was starting to feel like Webster was safe. 0% that happens with Kelley IMO. The only downside is this will delay our coaching search. Hopefully they already have someone in mind and move fast. Can't afford to drag our feet on this.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    No it doesn't

    what makes you think thats going to be the case? Chip Kelly knows Marcus Mariota yes, after that theres no reasoning for anyone wanting Chip Kelly in TN.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    This really isnt even news, just goes to show how little people are concerned with the Titans. Rapaport is about 6 weeks late with this info..
  9. yanek27

    yanek27 Starter

    Need a new President I still believe who knows something about football. Our two top people have no football knowledge at all so I am surprised by the reports from Ian. But please fire Webster, he is garbage.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. TitanUpB4UGO

    TitanUpB4UGO Starter

    I'm good with Chip Kelly, but after the Eagles beat the Patriots, that quieted the stormy waters within the Eagles front office. It's really absurd to hear so many "experts" here bash Kelly when all the man did was WIN, until this season...when it's been rather rough, especially when Bradford got injured.

    Just shows how clueless and fickle so many fans really are. As if 10-6 seasons his previous and only full seasons, is a bad record. What's more is he was 10-6 last year, having to win with Mark Sanchez filling in for Foles, who was injured a good chunk of the season.

    "DON'T WANT KELLY....just because....because, well, I just don't want Kelly....and his gimmicky offense!" That shows how little they know about the subject. He knew he had to make some adjustments to the offense in the NFL, and he has done that...despite all the skeptics and haters out there.

    Kelly would be my No.1 choice. Then it would be Sean Payton or Hugh Jackson. Bevel may not be available for a while, after the season is over.
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