7.32.252 jay Harrell OLB michigand

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by GoT, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    • Cheers Cheers x 2
  2. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    Could be a good depth sign at edge. We need to add a ver 3rd guy here
  3. nbtoppers2

    nbtoppers2 Pro Bowler

    Eh. But, it's a 7th
  4. Chad81

    Chad81 Starter

    I feel like Kyle Van Noy will receive a call from the Titans. Key is a decent pass rusher, but he's more of a rotational guy. Weaver fell off of the face of the planet and I wouldn't count on an edge rusher taken in the 7th to make much of a difference when that's one of the positions where it's extremely tough to find production late in the draft.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    Kyle Van Noy got resigned by the Ravens
  6. Chad81

    Chad81 Starter

    I missed that one, he would've been a great addition. The Titans need to add a veteran into the mix, if I'm being honest Weaver shouldn't even be on the 2024 roster he's been largely underwhelming. If this 7th rounder flashes something then great, but as it stands I'll be surprised if he's anything more than practice squad material.
  7. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    I wanted him as well. On the current market I'd like to see us grab Calis Campbell and Tyus Bowser to round out our front 7.

    Campbell may cost a little but Bowser should be close to vet min and has been a usefull depth guy in Balti.ore for years
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  8. Afc46

    Afc46 Oilers/Titans HoFer

    *Edit from NFL.com

    Harrell has experience not only working through blocks to the quarterback, but holding his ground against the run. He might not rate as elite in any aspect, but he’ll be a solid option up front for a team that needed to add youth off the edge. Tennessee couldn’t have asked for a better fit in the seventh round.
  9. Titans23

    Titans23 Starter

    This kid plays with some Grit. You can tell he he an emotional leader on the defense. Has a really good spin move already developed. His biggest issue is going to be size and length. He's not big enough to push NFL tackles around and not sure if he's fast enough to run by tackles either. He's a high effort, intense player and that seemed to be his best attribute on tape. I do think he contributes on special teams right away while being a potential rotational rush guy the first few years. If he can add 10-15 lbs he might have a shot at being a decent edge for us... he was listed at 6'4" 250 lbs at the combine.
    #9 Titans23, May 1, 2024
    Last edited: May 1, 2024
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. PressThe5N9

    PressThe5N9 Starter

    I haven’t watched any of him so just going off your analysis above…..chance of being like Kyle Vanden Bosch or not quite that level of impact? I know he had a motor and intensity that kept going.
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