Rumor According to Sirius NFL Radio's Bill Lekas, Munchak is gone!

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by KyTitansFan, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. corymiller

    corymiller New Era Connoisseur

    You are literally too stupid to insult.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Hey maybe we can trick tommy smith into thinking he's already fired munchak
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    There is no evidence to that effect at all. The saints are better on defense with a switch and the 49ers did it with great success. The Ravens switched from a 4-3 to a 3-4 years back with no ill effects.

    Didn't the texans go from a bad 4-3 defense to a good 3-4 over night when Wade Phillips became DC?

    Any good coach will make the best use of the talent he has to work with.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  4. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    There is no evidence to that effect at all. The saints are better on defense with a switch and the 49ers did it with great success. The Ravens switched from a 4-3 to a 3-4 years back with no ill effects.

    Didn't the texans go from a bad 4-3 defense to a good 3-4 over night when Wade Phillips became DC?

    Any good coach will make the best use of the talent he has to work with.
  5. Matty

    Matty Camp Fodder

    Eagles D has looked pretty solid second half of the season??? And they really don't have what seemed to be a good set of 3-4 personnel.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Two Kings

    Two Kings NJ Titan

    Yea I think it's a common misconception that changing defenses requires years of transition.
  7. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    First off, Rex has installed the 46 D using 4-3 defenses as a base defense just like he has done with 3-4 base defenses. The ORIGINAL 46 D concept was really a 3-5 idea. But I digress. So Rex wouldn't NEED to make us a 3-4 though he might want to. Either way is not particularly difficult given our personel though Brown and Gooden don't fit the scheme size wise. Maybe Brown could drop 10 lbs and plays SS? That'd be up to Rex but let's say you wanted to try and turn the titans into the Jets D.

    RDE - Casey would be a star DL in any D!
    NT - Sammie Hill is the perfect size for a NT.
    LDE - Martin starts and Klug comes in on passing downs.
    ROLB - Let's give Rex a Christmas present and sign Orakpo - a big free agent sign.
    RILB - Fokou is more active and better with run fits. McCarthy is the backup for either ILB spot.
    LILB - Ayers is a good size'd player, can blitz and take on blockers.
    LOLB - Derrick Morgan - Sure he's not gonna be great in coverage, but we can get heat on the QB and good luck running to this side!
    RCB - Verner/Sensabaugh/Blidi/Campbell - Verner isn't as good in man coverage but if he stays he starts. if not, open competition amongst the others who all play man better then zone. Rex likes to play MAN.
    LCB - JMac
    Nickel - 3rd best man cb.
    FS - Griff right now but Rex is quite keen on TACKLING so this could be another free agent or draft pick or Wilson.
    SS - Pollard or Polamalu who could get cut by the Steelers? Wilson more likely...but one can dream.

    BTW, there is a fair chance Woodley is also cut by the Steelers as well as Ware so there is likely to be a few dominant pass rushers available to fill a spot. Re-sign Pollard and FS (like now) would be our biggest weakness but that would be a lot better with more legit pressure on the QB. Brown could be a coverage LB in 3rd and long's til his contract is done or trade him/Gooden. As you can see, we have a lot of good personel for the 3-4, but like our current 4-3, we have some holes too.

    But yes, we COULD make a fast transition. And that could depend on how much Brown is in the doghouse too. but as I said, Rex has used 4-3 D's as the basis for his 46 D before anyway so we wouldn't HAVE to change necessarily.
  8. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    Did you forget about Pitoatua or did you intentionally leave him out?
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