Cortland Finnegan has walked out of Titans camp!

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Kaeotik, Aug 6, 2011.

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  1. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    The Colts will have one of the worst secondaries in NFL history this year.
  2. Smash

    Smash 2017 Survivor Winner

    Just send him the 5-day letter already and get it over with. Either he's back or else he's not getting paid at all this season.
  3. Don Johnson

    Don Johnson Detective Sonny Crockett

    just like the whole secondary. Griff, Harper, Finnegan, and hope all had pro bowl caliber seasons that year.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  4. Don Johnson

    Don Johnson Detective Sonny Crockett

    I don't think there's much leverage, we've lost our last 5 games against the colts.
  5. iQon

    iQon Starter

    I like Cort and all. But the way I see it, let him walk.

    As a fan, I can not STAND contract years. Players become phony and start performing at ridiculous levels when it's convenient to them. Then revert back to Where's Waldo when the job is completed.

    People that walk out/hold out in the final year of their deal raises a red flag with me. It's almost as if he knows he hasn't done enough to be a #1 corner. And he doesn't want to be a #1 corner making #4 money. I'm assuming he thinks he has leverage on the Titans to just walk now.

    Dude, you have one year left on your contract. You're committed to the team for a measly 6 more months. Get your * out there and worry about an extension when the season is over.
  6. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    I agree, but apparently the Titans promised him if he just showed up to camp they would work out a new deal. If they had no intentions of doing so, they never should have lied to him. The Titans front office is a joke!
  7. titanbuoy

    titanbuoy medium rare ®

    Easy there. It sounds like Finnegan came to camp, the Titans made an offer, Cortland wasn't happy with the offer, and he bolted. After his play last year do you think the team should be offering Finnegan a lucrative new contract in line with other top cornerbacks in the league? You know Finnegan is asking for at least Antonio Cromartie money (4 years 32 million). I say let him sit and take a humble.
  8. TBaker34

    TBaker34 Starter

    And he definitely ain't worth 8 mil a year
  9. Titanium

    Titanium TITANFN Staff

    Exactly! It appears that the Titans did exactly what they told Cort they would do and that's discuss a new contract. Finny is throwing his little temper tantrum because he didn't like what was offered.

    All these people who claim the Titans promised something to Finny and didn't fulfill that promise might want to reconsider their thoughts on the situation.

    Finny obviously thinks he's worth more to the Titans than the Titans do. I hate to break it to you Fin...... You aint all that. Good riddance if he continues his little tantrum.
  10. Garo

    Garo Starter

    As Mike Keith just said, sometimes it's how you go about things that matters. This was not the action of a so called leader of the team. He could've just stopped doing physical activity and stayed in camp if he really wanted a deal.

    As reported, offers were made, he didn't like them and went home. It doesn't appear that anyone denies that. He waits until right before a scrimmage and big PR move by Titans and he waits until the CB free agency market has slowed down. Then his agent breaks the story to a national reporter in Jason Cole, not local reporters, which all of this tells me they want a trade more so than they want a deal.

    Trade him.
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