Don’t expect Titans to use tag

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titans Insider, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Which of these releases have proven to be a bad decision??

    None. None of them.
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  2. RockyTop Fox

    RockyTop Fox Offensive Coordinator


    A couple of years ago we were hating them for giving Griffin that contract over Finnegan. Now that seems to have been the better choice. Finnegan was TERRIBLE in 2013, and 2012 wasn't much better. His best days may very well be behind him.

    I thought Kearse had some good years at Philly.. dunno if it would have been worth the contract though. The real question is did our FO really know which players would suck it up later, or did they just get lucky after letting their good players walk? If so, that's one quality of the Fisher/Munchak era that I'll miss.
  3. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    the only ones of those that could even arguably be said to be mistakes were Kearse and Finnegan

    Kearse did have 1 good year in Philly.
    Cortland did, best as I could tell, have 1 good year in STL

    but both were seriously overpaid. CAP wise letting them go was probably the right decision

    I discussed fat Albert above, George and Bulluck were done

    EDIT - OK I get your point now. We agree on the old school Titans then. I dont get your point about AV. Are you saying he will not be any good elsewhere?

    EDITING THE EDIT - Classic example of a GoT mistake. I thought I was wrong, but turns out I was wrong to think I was wrong.
  4. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    La Vagicians contract was a horrendus CAP decision. He has been ponie suck since like his third season.

    Again his play in 13 was his best in a while, but he had set the bar so low that just aint sayin' much
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Right but point is we let our best players go all the time
  6. RockyTop Fox

    RockyTop Fox Offensive Coordinator


    That's what worries me. Either our FO had an unreal ability to know who was gonna be a bust, or it was just dumb luck.

    You're supposed to build teams via the draft, not free agency. Maybe for things to change, we need to take a chance and keep our best players.
  7. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro


    I'd hardly call Bulluck and George our best players at the time. AH was an obvious no re-sign and I don't think Finny was our best at the time either. I understand the point, but Verner is a young and in his prime character guy, probably would be a safe re-sign.
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  8. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro


    Largely dumb luck.

    Most of these guys went to systems that were different than what we did. Mason is really the only guy that tore it up after he left.
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor


    I will have to change my edit.

    While I agree letting AV walk will be bad talent wise, It will still probably be the right CAP move
  10. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler

    It will be a real shame to let this guy walk. I understand the cap situation somewhat but it seems that we can't even hold on to our own talent and that is what agitates me in this situation. I would use the tag on AV and free up some cap space in another area of the team. Defense is already hard to play these days in the nfl especially the CB position so we need to keep him. I do not think we will find someone better.
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