First look preview of Madden 08

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Gunny, Apr 28, 2007.

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    I read that the birds wings are actually the retractable roof on the dome.

    Here is the Beasts stadium...... I love how good the crowd looks.


    After reading the 2k preview at operation sports many will be let down to know that 2k will not have a franchise mode.

    APF will have online leagues though and I expect the game to be primarily an online game. That is perfect for me as I far more enjoyed playing 2k5 online anyway. APF should get a nice cult type of following.

    You will draft your team and play a 16 game season. When that season is finished, you can start a new season with the same team or draft another.

    A lot of the amazing 2k presentation has also been stripped out of the game as well as there is a shorter half time show and things of that nature. The presentation will be more on the line of EA's first next gen Madden, but with a short half time show.

    But where the game shines per the writer is on the field. He clearly stated that if 2k was a licensed NFL game it would be his game of choice as the on the field game play is simply excellent. He really gushed about how well the game plays.

    The controls are identical to 2K5 and APF is more of a 2K5 revival for its fans. If this game has decent sales, 2k will bid for the NFL license again. They do not expect it to sell anything near what 2K5 did for obvious reasons.

    APF will not be an annual title per 2k, but if there is interest in it, they may make it a every other year type of game.

    APF will not be able to compete with Madden in terms of features. It won't even be close. It seems that the opposite could be said though for the *on the field* game play.

    2K fans will be happy to play 2k again, but disappointed at the lack of features and the biggest gripe besides the lack of a NFL license is the price tag of $59.99 considering its lack of features. 2K could have a big hit on their hands if they could bring the price down to $39 or $49 imo. But it seems that all third party next gen games will have a $59 price tag.

    I personally cannot wait for both games as each will offer me something different.

    Madden will give me that deep franchise experience with the NFL license, but when I have an hour to kill and I just want to play a game of football against someone, that is where APF will shine for me. I love the fact that I will be able to create my *own* team of legends and play with it online. I am also a sucker for 2K's game play.

    If you are a fan of 2k or not, I hope that people support them in this venture as when EA's exclusive NFL license expires in a few years, it would be great for there to be multiple NFL titles.

    My fear though is that 2k will not be able to keep going the next few years with their football game and may have to tank it all together.

    Competition is a great thing for us consumers, lets hope it comes back in the future.

  2. Deuce Wayne


    Doesn't EA's nfl license run out next year? I wish 2k would just make the jerseys/players look the same as the current nfl's and just give them differnet names and logos.



    It was a 5 year agreement I believe and this is Madden's 3rd version with the exclusive license, so 2 more years until it runs out.

    3 more seasons until we could possibly see another NFL game besides Madden.

  4. RyansTitans

    RyansTitans Guest

    I really like the pic of the Beast thing and the Wings for the roof. Thats creative as hell.
  5. DCtitan49

    DCtitan49 Guest

    when EA's license runs out its gonna be interesting, i hope Madden gets some competition because we need the next decade of madden games to be simply amazing.
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Although realistically in that photo the ball would be almost invisible against the backdrop of a similarly coloured roof it still looks awesome. Imagine if the Seahawks or Eagles had a retractable roof of wings.

    Where's Gandalf? Looks like a Balrog
  7. RyansTitans

    RyansTitans Guest

    "Where's Gandalf? Looks like a Balrog"

  8. RyansTitans

    RyansTitans Guest

    ESPN the Magazine has revealed all of the players in Madden 08 that have a 99 overall rating.

    Peyton Manning (QB Colts), Champ Bailey (CB Broncos), Walter Jones (OT Seahawks), LaDainian Tomlinson (RB Chargers), Steve Smith (WR Panthers), Brian Urlacher (LB Bears), Steve Hutchinson (OG Vikings), Ed Reed (S Ravens), Troy Polamalu (S Steelers)

    The only player in that group that stands out as questionable is probably Polamalu.
  9. DCtitan49

    DCtitan49 Guest

    urlacher stands out to me, and maybe even Smith......i know he is a difference maker every time he is on the field, but giving him a 99 rating is going to make Delhomme and the Panthers look WAYYY to good in that game.
  10. Deuce Wayne


    How is Smith a 99 when he's not even a top 3 player at his position? Ah well, Madden will be Madden.
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