GOATitans Dynasty Year 7: Discussion - DRAFT IS LIVE!!!

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football' started by Clark, May 12, 2014.

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  1. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    • LOL LOL x 1
  2. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

  3. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Accepted. #Sankey2K #RunningWild #Whatchagonnadobrother
  4. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    how the **** did sankey get a 2
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Eh, it's a late 2. And I'll take Sankey over the other RBs that are likely to be there at #21 (Cobb, Buck Allen, Matt Jones, Jeremy Langford). I'm currently looking at Knile Davis and Denard Robinson as my only RBs under 27. And neither of those guy may ever be starters again.

    Looking at the rankings of a dynasty site I really respect I see this as a good deal. They have Sankey ranked above Abdullah, Coleman, Ajayi, Duke Johnson.... and those are all guys with late-first to early/mid-second grades. Sankey is a roll of the dice for sure, but so is every other pick in this draft. I see enough reason for optimism to take the chance. He WILL go into the season as the starter. Hopefully the line will be better. I'd imagine we are going to use a FB more. I think we will see a heavy dose of the run while Mariota adjusts to the pro game. And I certainly don't think it's out of the question that Sankey himself makes a jump in his second year. We'll find out I guess.

    I think people are too precious with these picks anyway. Most of these guys are going to bust. A 2nd in a rookie draft isn't remotely on the same level as a 2nd in a startup draft. I'm still picking at #10 and #15 so I'm good.
    #3695 SawdustMan, May 28, 2015
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  6. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    Sankey is just not above those guys. But to each their own
  7. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    I think most of you when faced with what's left at #21 overall would've preferred to roll the dice with Sankey than take one of the remaining RBs there.

    We'll see who goes in the late 2nd.
  8. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    That's absurd to say when they haven't even played a down. And none are likely to be starters week 1. While Sankey will be.
  9. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Yeah I'm wondering who they realistically expect to be there at 21 that's so much better. Keeping in mind I have no need for WRs.

    Of course with 520 holding so many picks I suppose some nice talent could fall if he goes full retard with his selections.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  10. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    I'm have retorts and names in mind here that I can MOST likely argue with but again I'm not going to. Sankey in the most RBBC and offense situation- I just don't see it.

    Whenever I hear about a coach saying "he needs to bulk up" - that's normally a BAD sign.

    Also, anytime you have to hope for a second year jump for a RB, youre reaching. The most plug and play position in possibly all of pro sports and we need a second year jump outta the guy? What's that say?

    I'll give you the fact I think we MIGHT (and should) run the ball more. But I don't see Sankey becoming a true RB1. There's other situations where a guy who might ride the pine this year as a rookie will end up seeing legit RB1 snaps and runs in the second half of this year and beyond.... But Sankey, Cobb, mc cluster, fowler AND Mariota will be all splitting carries at some point
    #3700 Clark, May 28, 2015
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
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