Rumor guess who was looking at property at the Governors Club?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by GoT, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. RockyTop Fox

    RockyTop Fox Offensive Coordinator

    I've always hated these types of rumors. They're always the most common type

    "Oh so and so is buying a house here! He enrolled his kids in school here!" ect ect. I've seen it too many times to believe it. Pollard probably has no idea who the head coach will be, nor who his defensive coordinator will be. Would you rush back if you were him?

    Sorry, but I need some more proof other than a buddy's buddy I know told me.
  2. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    well I did speak to the security guard as my co-worker rightly assumed I would be interested, but yeah I was not there. FWIW neither of them are big Titan fans. They were more interested in the whole meeting a Titan thing. Im the one that was excited about him looking for real estate at the GC

    anyways thats why I labeled it Rumor, but it did happen and it happened this morning around 10ish
  3. CalgaryTitansFan

    CalgaryTitansFan Pro Bowler

    Spoke to who, Pollard? Did he say stuff like dat? :cj:
  4. Laserjock

    Laserjock South Endzone Rocks! Staff

    I agree...I think GW get the DC job...and I still would love to hear them go after Kubiak as OC. Lose Matthews and the LB coach. Get that done and draft McCarren or Mettenburg in the 2nd and be done with it.

    Wishful thinking.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. dtm586

    dtm586 The Master Jedi

    Woulda been better to see "munchak looking for property anywhere outside of Tennessee" just sayin
    • High Five High Five x 2
  6. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I spoke to my co-workers husband Bob. He was the security guard at the GC. He spoke with BP while BP was waiting for his agent to show. Bob said they chatted in the lobby for 2-3 minutes.

    So there is only 1 degree of seperation and Bob has zero reasons to make something like this up. Its not like Im inviting him to my poker game or anything. They both know Im a huge Titan fan and rightly assumed I would be interested in hearing the story.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. yanek27

    yanek27 Starter

    Cutler still has property here but darn that didnt turn up good
  8. Laserjock

    Laserjock South Endzone Rocks! Staff

    It's no surprise that a player might be looking at home here regardless dips he is playing here in the future or not. No state tax. Williamson county taxes are better than a lot of places, we discovered that when we moved there. You get a lot of house for the money compared to a lot of other pro cities.

    Several former Titan and Predators players have kept homes here. It's a great place to live for many reasons, despite those here that always question it.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor



    figured he would have a spread in Santa Clause

    when Cutler last lived in Nashville he should not have been able to afford property of any kind
  10. CalgaryTitansFan

    CalgaryTitansFan Pro Bowler

    Oh I appreciate it, not rippin ya GoT, I want BP here.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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