Is it weird to anyone else?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by cdubbs2121, Oct 26, 2015.

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  1. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    Bro I've stalked 100's of people, speak for yourself.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  2. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    That was beautiful man. Wonderful time to be alive.
    • LOL LOL x 1
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  3. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

  4. XO

    XO Nevada Native

    He mad
  5. dgup76

    dgup76 Starter

    I did my part. I emailed them tonight and ask what my incentive was to keep paying my money when team is just a dumpster fire and ownership obviously doesn't care.
  6. kenny

    kenny Starter

    Not gonna happen I am afraid. Underwood went on record as saying, "No search for a CEO/President will take place until after the 2015 season is over."

    His excuse is that he wants to focus on football and making the game day experience better this year.

    IMO to make the game day experience better he needs to win some freaking games!! That is NOT going to happen with the current leadership we have in place.
  7. kenny

    kenny Starter

    Webster has thrown money, draft picks, and resources at the oline for years. He has brought in players that ranked in the bottom tier of their respective positions to replace starters on our oline. Let's be honest; its still a dumpster fire. Outside of Lewan I believe any one of them could be easily upgraded. I don't wish injury on anyone, but I was glad to see a different body at Center. Schwenke is just not that good IMO. He isn't what I would call horrible, but far from good. How can he be considered anything except negligent? How can ANYONE defend this P.O.S GM?

    Beside the oline, he is solely responsible for the dumpster fire that has been our QB situation. The only way he FINALLY got it right was to have the best QB in the draft fall in his lap. Honestly I am shocked he did not jump MM and pick some one else.

    He gave Griffin a big contact....enough said. I know some people think Griffin is average. I COMPLETELY disagree. He is out of place constantly. He misses more tackles than anyone I have ever watched. He is the premier example of anti-clutch for FS. At any point of any game if there is a big play where we absolutely NEED our Safety to step up; he WILL miss the tackle. He does get a play or two right once in a while. He will play with an injury. He has experience. SO WHAT!! He sucks when he is healthy!! Why let him play injured?!! (OK Griffin rant over.......sorry)

    He is responsible for hiring Munch. He is responsible for hiring Whiz.

    • High Five High Five x 2
  8. kenny

    kenny Starter

    Everything that is wrong with this team goes back to the owners. They do not care. As a result they have allowed a man who has no vision to run this team for years. This team has had NO identity since Fisher left. Webster HAS NOT done his job & should be fired IMMEDIATELY.

    I supported the parting of the ways with Fisher. He was here too long and was way too comfortable. As a result the team suffered.

    It appears as if we will endure at least one more year of Whiz. Underwood said the CEO search will not start until after the 2015 season ends.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Some good things have come along in that time.

    Switched to a 3-4, more dynamic defense that takes time and is now producing for us.

    dumped Leon Washington and Shonn Greene

    Found a franchise QB

    traded an oozing wound in Andy Levitre

    we're slowly improving
  10. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    Climbers last Titans column speaks volumes about ownership, and it brings up the question on if the NFL FO should step in again concerning the Titans ownership being awful.
    • High Five High Five x 3
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