Mike Reinfeldt messed up big time this offseason..

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PitBull, Apr 25, 2009.

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  1. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    Walking into this offseason we were $35mil under the cap, but as of today, with the exception of Nate Washington, we have not upgraded our team any. If anything, we've degraded our team by losing Haynesworth. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should have broke the bank and kept him, but I'm saying we didn't make an attempt to make up for the loss by upgrading in other positions… plus we went from $35mil under the cap, to $12mil in the process.

    The only positive thing I can think of so far is that we haven't signed McCareins and Rey hill yet.. but really, should we give him credit for that?

    To summarize what he's done so far this offseason: we paid an average QB who would fail on 31 other rosters $15mil, we signed Faggins (the Cow's equivalent to Rey Hill) for $2mil, franchised our average TE (who is above average in our system) paying him top 5 TE salary, signed additional depth in William Hayes, and re-signed good old Rob B and an aging Hentrich.

    Passing on Holt and Gonzalez is plain stupid! We have the resources to sign both, yet we passed for no clear reason. By doing a couple things different, we could have spent less and gone from an average offense to arguably one of the top three.. but we didn't.

    We could have spent less, and become a much better team walking into next season.

    Here's how I wish MR had handled this offseason.

    1) Not signing KFC saving $15mil (7.5mil in 2009) in the process.
    2) Not signing Nate Washington saving $27mil in the process, and instead signing Bo Scaife to the same contract, in return saving tag money.. kept him happy, and avoiding his boycotting of practice.
    3) Re-sign Simms to a two year $6mil contract.
    4) With the money saved from KFC, traded for and signed Gonzalez paying him $4 mil in 2009
    5) With the money saved from KFC, signed Holt paying him $4mil in 2009.
    6) Allow VY to become a better QB by having two of the best receivers in the NFL lined up on the line of scrimmage. If he was to fail with this offense, then he's a lost cause and there's no fixing him and we need to cut him immediately.
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  2. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Stopped reading after seeing 'resign Chris Simms'. If we want :grrr::grrr::grrr::grrr: QBs Ryan Leaf is a lot cheaper.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. Deuce Wayne


    He's not so bad when you think that Vince Young is our backup for certain if he's not here.
  4. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    We would be much worse off with that advice. Not resigning Kerry Collins? Really?.... Really?!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. Pjames32

    Pjames32 Starter

    Any solution that has Vince Young as our starting QB next year is a Fail.

    And we didn't sign William Hayes this offseason, we drafted him last year. You're thinking of Jovan Haye.
  6. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    You're right about Jevon Haye.. mixed him up with William Hayes.

    According to everyone in managment, VY is our future starter whether we like it or not. So instead of bringing in a temporary solution in KFC, why not give VY weapons he can utilize.
  7. Pjames32

    Pjames32 Starter

    If he really is our future starter then I certainly see your point. I just think and hope they're wrong about that and he's gone after this season. If that happens and he is gone, then signing KC was the right thing to do.
  8. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    If we had no future starter then I'd be on the KFC bandwagon, but Fish had mentioned before in countless statments that VY is our starter. He's here to stay, so like I said before we had the opportunity to give him some weapons but we passed on that. Bad move by MR.
  9. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    In a nut shell MR has some work to do to make this a successful offseason but then again it isn't over yet. We still have a draft and the possibilities of some trades and even some signings if guys become available.

    Still, it is obvious the team is focused on building through the draft and not over spending on FAs. We did grab a couple of reasonably priced FAs in Washington and Haye who step into positions of need. If we have a nice draft we can be as good or better.
  10. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    • High Five High Five x 1
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