Mike Reinfeldt messed up big time this offseason..

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PitBull, Apr 25, 2009.

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  1. onetontitan

    onetontitan Marioto

    That DT pick from Auburn...

    that was NOT pretty. That guy would have fallen to us in the 3rd.
  2. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    similar vie as the William Hayes pick
    a guy clearly that may have fallen to much later
    but then you never no
    the Raiders selected a guy that wasn't even in the book
  3. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    lol a guy clearly that may have fallen?
  4. Blaize

    Blaize Camp Fodder

    I disagree with you completely:
    1) KC played very well for us and him on the roster helps VY get better.
    2) Nate Washington Upgrades our Receiver Core. WTF?
    3) Stupid Comment
    4) So we can pay 3 TE's starter money?
    5) We tried to get Holt, but wouldn't give him the length of contract he wanted.
    6) I love VY and I think he'll be a good QB in the future. But he needs to sit behind KC one more year.
    7) You left out the signing of Jovan Haye. And the fact that D Faggins is actually an upgrade at Nickle. Oh and my personal favorite of keeping 10 out of 11 starters on defense and 11 of 11 on offense.
  5. onetontitan

    onetontitan Marioto

    Your favorite post may be take a 180 next season. I think we'll be saying "byebye" to MANY of our defensive starters.
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    That would be a 180.
  7. onetontitan

    onetontitan Marioto

    thanks for the correction. I'm on the phone and typing.
  8. Blaize

    Blaize Camp Fodder

    Its still impressive how many he kept this season. This will be our year. Next year there is no cap as of now, which means no cap trouble :-D.
  9. asus64

    asus64 Camp Fodder

    Don't jump off the cliff just yet. By saying this he's only giving VY the benefit of the doubt.

    Nothing is written in stone in the NFL and being nice to Vince in a press conference doesn't cost a penny.

    Holt and Gonzalez too expensive since getting older does not guarantee they'll be playing at all for us.

    I'm not a big fan of KC but how can you overpay the QB that lead the team to the best record in the regular season in 2008?
  10. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    1) If we don't resign KFC we basically go into 09 with a bunch of backup QB's.
    2) Nate Washington will be our #1 four games in..
    3) When has Simms done anything in the NFL
    4) Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Gonzalez... this guy will run out of gas before his Falcons contract does..
    5) Holt was never coming here..
    6) Skip to the part where it says Vince is a lost cause. He can't pass, never will and the league knows hows to shut his legs down. Remember when McNair would be on the sidelines, bleeding, tearing up, looking like he should be on a gurney rather a football field and you just knew Odonell was coming in but 9 would somehow soldier out onto the field and lead a scoring drive? Well VY was never gonna be that guy - a twisted ankle and a couple of boos and he's throwing in the towel.. No thanks...
    • High Five High Five x 1
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