Need to lose as many games as possible from here on out

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Maker_84, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    So what? He was one of the best players drafted )as far as this year goes) and he was had in the third round. How would losing help us make the decision to draft him?
  2. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Totally disagree with Riverman's entire post. It is too early to pronounce Locker as a total bust. His statistics are similar to Andrew Luck.

    And by the way there is no Andrew Luck in this draft. Nobody that comes close to being a sure fire first pick and even of we lose out we can't get that pick anyway.

    Some posters want a change so badly they are actually cheering for failure. I'm not.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. Big TT


    Doesn't matter if you cheer or not...we need a change, or are you satisfied with the past 10 years? 10 years since our last playoff victory, time flies when you are mediocre huh?
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  4. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    We can say all we want about Mike Munchack and how he has not been up to par as a head coach but one thing i will say about him is that he is not going to quit. I don't think the other coaches are going to quit either.

    Sorry if that bothers some of you babies. We will likely beat Oakland next week and i seriously doubt if we lose to the Jags again.

    That's probably the worst we will be is 6-10. That would get us at best the 8th pick. Wow hope your team loses every game and we can move up from 15th to 8th. That will solve everything!
  5. Big TT


    You are foolish on some things. Again, the team will do what it has done, tigers and strips....why do you think we will beat oakland? Is it our great success at west coast trips? :sarcasm:
  6. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Cause it's extremely dumb logically to think losing will improve the team in anyway.

    See Browns draft history posted a page or two ago.

    Do you think it's going to make Wright and Warmack and Casey better players if we lose every game the rest of the way? Do you think that is good for player comradery and chemistry going forward?

    It's much better for the team and players spirits to win, especially the last game if we are out of playoff contention.

    I'm sick of people thinking a better draft pick means instant success and turnaround! Cause it's total bs.
  7. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Fake ass fan with superiority complex imo.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Let's lose out! Clearly it guarantees success! And since we won't be a true contender next year, let's make sure the next coach knows the goal is 0-16 in 2014! That way we can get better draft picks and guarantee more future success! Screw player morale! I'm sure Wright and the other players that care will be just fine mentally with losing every game the next two seasons!
    • High Five High Five x 2
  9. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate


    Well the thing is you need to plan to be that bad. You do not try to improve things in the offseason. And you certainly do not replace ineffective coaches.

    I have said it before, and I will say it again. I would much rather see this team play well, show some heart and show that there are some players worth building around. Rather than tank to move up a few spots in the draft to target an unknown player who may or may not be good. Additionally I would prefer not to see a losing culture built up on the team. This isn't the NBA. You do not need to tank to get good.
  10. PorcupineTree

    PorcupineTree Starter


    I couldn't have said it better. If I lived in Nashville I would probably have a PSL and I'd be looking to unload it now as well. I drove 13 hours from the middle of PA to come to the 2009 P/O loss to the Ravens, I'd never dream of doing that again A) Because this team has broken my heart too many times B) I can't trust them to win big games, and C) They just keep making the same organizational mistakes w/ regard to coaching and personnel decisions over and over.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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