NFL Schedule

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titan Yapper, May 14, 2024.

  1. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    13 weeks w/no rest sounds like player safety to me, whats the prob
  2. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    They want to make the schedule release actually fun for viewers?

    Add a basketball lottery system to the bye weeks. Draw from the lotto ball machine where your bye is. The crappier the team from the previous year, the lower chance of getting the extreme ends of the bye period.
    #102 HurrayTitans!, May 26, 2024
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  3. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    Need a little time to figure out what other teams look like BUT the last 10 years of bye weeks

    24 - 5
    23 - 7
    22 - 6
    21 - 13
    20 - 4
    19 - 11
    18 - 8
    17 - 8
    16 - 13
    15 - 4
    14 - 9

    I’ll add, maybe coincidence, but 2021 and 2019 had the best playoffs of the bunch. 2017 also made Div round.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. titanflamer

    titanflamer Starter

    How about after nine games, the nfl takes a one week break for all teams
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  5. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    I’d be good with that. After expansion to 18 weeks, add another bye as well.

    the NFL is big enough to not take the entire week off though. Maybe 2 weeks of half the league off.
  6. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    Too much money lost doing it that way.

    I like the idea that was mentioned, half the league bye week 7, half bye week 8
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  7. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    Looked into this Bye week thing over the last 10 years.
    not sure it’s really determined when the best week for a bye is. I think it can be agreed upon that earlier is not better but maybe last isn’t best either. I kind of used week 10+ as the “beneficial” range and with averages, I think the higher the better.

    this reads as avg bye week, number of bye weeks at 10+, and the lowest week they had a bye over the 10 year period.

    NE - 8.4 avg/ 6 10+/ week 5
    BUF - 8.8/ 4/ week 6
    NYJ - 8.6/ 6/ week 4 (had 3 straight week 11s)
    MIA - 7.7 (8.5)/ 4 (5)/ week 5 (2017 Miami/TB had their bye week rescheduled for week 1 due to Hurricane Irma)
    Cle - 9.1/ 4/ week 4
    Pit - 8.0/ 2/ week 6
    Cin - 8.0/ 2/ week 4 (had 3 straight week 9s)
    Balt - 9.4/ 5/ week 7
    KC - 9.4/ 6/ week 5
    LAC - 8.6/ 4/ week 5
    LV - 7.7/ 3/ week 5
    Den - 8.1/ 3/ week 4
    Jax - 8.6/ 3/ week 5
    Ind - 10.2/ 7/ week 6
    Ten - 8.3/ 3/ week 4

    dal - 7.9/ 2/ week 6
    Was - 9.1/ 4/ week 4
    NYG - 9.8/ 5/ week 8
    Phi - 8.8/ 4/ week 4
    TB - 7.0 (7.9)/ 2 (3)/ week 5 (see Miami)
    Car - 9.2/ 5/ week 4 (3 straight week 13s)
    NO - 7.9/ 3/ week 5
    ATL - 9.3/ 5/ week 5
    GB - 8.4/ 3/ week 4
    Chi - 9.3/ 4/ week 5
    Det - 7.5/ 1/ week 5
    Min - 8.6/ 4/ week 5 (3 straight week 7s)
    LAR - 8.4/ 3/ week 4
    SF - 8.7/ 4/ week 4
    Sea - 7.3/ 2/ week 4
    ARZ- 9.8/ 4/ week 4

    if avg week being higher means advantage:
    AFC Ind has the best at a 10.2 avg
    Cle 9.1/ Balt and KC 9.4
    Balt was not scheduled before week 7
    NFC NYG and ARZ both have 9.8 avg
    Chi/ ATL/Car/ Wash are all over 9
    NYG was not scheduled before week 8

    most “s**t on” would be
    LV has a 7.7 avg
    Detroit has a 7.5 avg
    NO/ TB are below 8 (adjusted TB from scheduled bye)

    Does it equal success?
    SB champs average a 10.1 Bye week.
    Lowest having a week 7 bye/ 7 had 10+
    6 were weeks 9/10/11.

    To make SB the average is still 9.1.
    The SB loser 2x had week 4 byes and 4 more had 10+.
    5 more were weeks 9-11

    The real question still kind of remains, when is the best bye week? Is there advantage/disadvantage?
    • Informative Informative x 3
  8. Afc46

    Afc46 Oilers/Titans HoFer

    Agreed full with this idea.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  9. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    You need a woman lol
    • LOL LOL x 2
  10. Young54

    Young54 Starter

    Whoooaaaa... and have 1 full week of no revenue??? I like it, but no way they do it.
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