Not very impressed with this scrub coaching staff

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by World Peace, Feb 23, 2011.

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  1. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    Tell me where to go buy my UFL Hartford Colonials "Feel Like A Winner" Jersey. I thought the whole point of getting a new coaching staff was to bring in a new and fresh perspective but this starting to look like Jeff Fisher 2.0 (but worse) :sad2: Jeff Fisher might be a perennial 8 win coach but I'll be surprised if we win more than 4 this year.

    These guys were all coaching in the UFL for a reason. Because they couldn't win in the NFL!

    Brad Childress was one Brett Farve Screw up and multiple Adrian Peterson Fumbles away from the superbowl... Doesn't that guy need a job? While he wasn't even in my top 5 for coaches... He's still better than an unproven O line coaches who hired minor league coaches to fill the ranks.

    I'm very dissatisfied with the "blowup" of this franchise. When you blow something up, you don't rebuild it with sandbags, you should rebuild the foundation with bricks. Why hire a staff that you are gonna fire in 2-3 seasons anyways? Why hold the fanbase hostage like that? I don't care about CBA stuff... I'm okay with firing Fisher, but you don't fire a guy without a better plan in place.
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  2. Broken Record

    Broken Record Biscuit Eater Staff

    At least we're not signing Josh McCown... ::gulp::
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  3. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    I knew TitansErick and DBC were the same guy..
  4. Deuce Wayne


    I'll give them a chance...

    Though this does seem an awful lot like a family reunion rather than a legit coaching staff.
  5. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    I have a feeling your chance will last until about week 2 of the season.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I might be the biggest critic here, and I'm satisfied with the hires. Position coaches come and go every season, so I care little to not at all about those hires. The Bruce Matthews hire was cool because of his ties to this team, but the others, RB, D-Line, LB, etc, I don't care much about. The Offensive Coordinator could have gone better, but I haven't heard Chris Palmer say one thing I haven't liked. I'm willing to give all these guys 2 years of my time to see if they're good or not. Sure beats having Jeff Fisher around.
  7. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    lol this guy is giving credit to Childress.. really? You shouldn't even be allowed to watch football anymore after that.
  8. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    I'm actually pretty excited about the hires. Up until Munch, I don't think most people were excited at all about the next season. Whether it turns out good or bad, atleast it will be something different.

    I'm not concerned about the resumes of the coaches. I'm more concerned with their ability to get our players ready and their ability to scheme. Since we're keeping most of the same guys I'm more concerned about scheming.

    Can our new OC get CJ and space and spread the field with Britt, DWill, Washington, Cook? Can our defense take some of the pressure off of our Dline by blitzing effectively? Can we improve our success on defense of getting off the field on 3rd down? Will we see the emergence of new playmakers with a different staff evaluating talent and calling the shots?

    Besides the VY situation I'm pleased with how this offseason has gone so far.
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  9. TheWarriorTitan

    TheWarriorTitan Camp Fodder

    People that are excited by these hires are people that love losing cause we are going to do a lot of it.

    And for anyone that says this staff is better than Fisher and You can remember this in a couple of years when they are all fired and we are the worst team in the NFL.

    I just hope we can get Andrew Luck...I think this staff is that bad, and if we get a QB that can just suck so bad this year...we can lose all but one or two games and get the #1 pick.
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  10. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    I smell a conspiracy brewing... Throw the 2011 season to get Luck(y). Honestly, I buy the Sunday Ticket just to watch the Titans play... Not wasting the money this year!
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