Observations from Tuesday’s OTA

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titans Insider, Jun 11, 2013.

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  1. Titans Insider

    Titans Insider Titans News

    The Titans went through their eighth day of organized team activities on Tuesday at Baptist Sports Park.

    Some observations from today’s practice:

    –Second-year cornerback Coty Sensabaugh continues to work with the first team at nickel, alongside cornerbacks Tommie Campbell and Jason McCourty. Sensabaugh played well at the end of the 2012 season, and so far has held his own in offseason workouts.

    –Tight end Taylor Thompson had a pair of touchdown grabs, including one in the middle of the field. He had a good day overall, but he did run a lap after messing up an assignment.

    –The defense got the best of the offense in 7-on-7 drills in the red zone early on, knocking down balls and only giving up plays underneath. Eventually the dam broke near the goal line on another set of downs as Jake Locker connected with wide receivers Kenny Britt and Kendall Wright for touchdowns on back-to-back plays before hitting Thompson in the back of the end zone for another score.

    –Undrafted cornerback George Baker drew some attention. He intercepted Locker near the end zone after Wright fell down, and would’ve taken it in for a pick-6. Later, Baker and veteran wide receiver Nate Washington got into a shoving match.

    –Locker threw a couple of really nice passes against his body while running to his right. One went to Washington, who caught the ball in stride. Locker was off-target on some other throws, but had a solid day overall. Toward the end of practice he threw a strike to wide receiver Damian Williams on the sideline.

    –With veteran strong safety Bernard Pollard excused this week, George Wilson has been getting reps alongside free safety Michael Griffin. Al Afalava has also been getting a lot of work alongside Alterraun Verner, who is getting a long look at safety. Griffin nearly had a pick.

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    Posted In: League News, Team News

    Source: Titans Insider
  2. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    Damn. Verner losing his starting spot?? In today's game even nickel cb is a starting cb. Now he's playing free safety behind griffin??

    Kinda odd.
  3. TheBisco

    TheBisco Pro Bowler

    I love hearing about the undrafted guys getting in the faces of established vets. Keep em on their toes boys!
  4. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    I'm like the sole believer/supporter of Taylor Thompson on these boards so these news make me happy.
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  5. corymiller

    corymiller New Era Connoisseur

    Wyatt was on 104.5 today and said they're playing him there so he can learn and possibly play FS if an injury were to occur. Verner is probably one of if not the smartest guy on the team. He can handle understanding assignments, mentally.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    Yea I'm aware he can. Just kinda odd to see him not getting reps where he would def excel. That's all. Unless they are sure he can play the nickle/dime packages without much work and want him to grasp safety while we are at otas
  7. corymiller

    corymiller New Era Connoisseur

    I agree it is sort f weird but maybe the staff has a lot of confidence in him.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    or they are finally seeing him for what he really is
  9. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    Bro.... Dude played good as an outside cb. Gave up a lot less yards than Mccourty. I recognize he doesn't fit the press man scheme but nickel work??? Dude will kill it. Can not deny that. No he doesn't got burners but he plays smart.
    • High Five High Five x 5
  10. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    Our best corner on the roster currently
    • High Five High Five x 2
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