Re-sign CD or let him walk

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by HurrayTitans!, Dec 1, 2020.

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  1. Rwill

    Rwill Pro Bowler

    Man it is hard to know if this season is fool's gold. He has done nothing prior to this season to earn a contract. Even still... if he accepted Hump money, I would take him. He is hands down better than Hump at this point, but Hump has basically been a ripoff so there's that.
  2. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Lies. All lies.

    This is not a late breakout. He had 900 yards his second season. All of his metrics have steadily gotten better every year: Catch percentage, yards per target, yards per reception, and first down percentage.

    The difference is not being saddled with Marcus Mariota.

    And I don't know where the idea that he's injury prone comes from. I guess his rookie year. 2nd year, 16/16 games played. 3rd year, 15/16 games played. 4th year, 7/9 games played(the two games were Covid related).

    Corey Davis has been a more than solid receiver for this team. We struggled for a decade to find a guy like him. Now we're suddenly fine letting him go.

    Cut Malcolm Butler and give Davis that money.
    #22 Fry, Dec 5, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
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  3. Titanoiler51

    Titanoiler51 Starter

    With the cap drop close to twenty mill lower than this year there is no way we sign him. We are gonna have a tough time keeping players we really need. He is a luxury we can’t afford.
  4. Rwill

    Rwill Pro Bowler

    Really bad thing is.. the players we need to cut to free up room have contracts that wont actually free up room. We are stuck with sub-par high value contracts like on that Hump dude that plays once in a blue moon.
  5. Tuckfro42

    Tuckfro42 Frozen Donkey Wheel

    Re-sign. The word is “re-sign”!

    “Resign” and “let him walk” mean the same thing.
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  6. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

  7. Titanoiler51

    Titanoiler51 Starter

    I think 176 mill is the lowest it will be. It could go up to as high as 190 I believe.
  8. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    He'll sign for pretty big money most likely elsewhere. Jonnu, jayon, and king are much higher priorities imo. Especially jonnu.
  9. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    No one is paying out the ass for a tight end who gets about 400 yards a season. I'd argue Jonnu is probably the most replaceable guy we have on offense. We've spread out the tight end duties pretty well over the second half of the season.

    I'd do everything I could to keep this offense together for the next two seasons. That's how long we have Tannehill and Henry. The window closes after that.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  10. 8Bruce8

    8Bruce8 Starter

    Love to resign him at wr2 paycheck. Guy is solid and competes for catch. Ain't no AJ brown but the guy compliments AJ kinda like Julio and ridley. Both have a reliable set of hands.
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