RIP Philip Seymore Hoffman

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by The Hammer, Feb 3, 2014.

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  1. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    well TE stole my post.. so.. yeah, another actor overdosing because their life is so horrible.. shocker.

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  2. LosingBy3

    LosingBy3 Starter

    I feel worse for his kids, he basically abandoned them because of his addiction. And they're not even teenagers yet.
  3. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    The Fentanyl is not proven - and not likely. Some people died in Pennsylvanie etc. but there is LOADS more heroin going around than that source.
    Stay disgusted all you want - your choice, but that is a pretty lame statement.
    Everyone F's up. Addiction is a powerful mindf***
    Addiction affects all walks of people, great, good, bad and terrible - including heroes like soldiers.
    Anyone here who thinks they could casually kick heroin or hard opiates does not know what the hell they are talking about.

    I am sad for his death. His art was next level. As so many artists do, he paid for it with his soul.
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  4. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.


    for all you McLachlan fans out there.
  5. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Most people who aren't idiots don't start on Heroin. Sure, I'm sure it's really hard to kick. But Unless they were forced into it as a child, it is their fault they ever got into it.

    Sure, you can't really be mad at someone for not being able to beat the addiction, but most of the time, they are 100 percent at fault for ever starting.

    Pretty tough to get hooked without ever taking a dose.
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  6. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    Sometimes addiction comes due to a prescribed drug. When you can't get more of the "legal" drug, other sources are looked for.
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  7. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Sorry, but no..
    Opiates change the brain. It's not debatable.
    You gonna turn down pain relief when you get a broken leg or a kidney stone. Just takes one good script and it can start. Once you pass the honeymoon phase your brain is retrained as an addict.
    A huge % of heroin addicts are people who had to treat pain in their life and ended up on the train by accident.
  8. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    And the human brain by default has a built in inclination for mood altering substances.
    Ever drink?
  9. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Sure. There are tons of people hooked on prescribed opiates. But these celebrity OD/suicides are probably not often that.

    And plus, the point when you turn onto the really hard stuff.. it becomes criminal. If Hoffman had been caught alive with that much heroin, he'd be in prison for a long, long time.

    Best course of action is self-control. Don't start doing opiates, even prescribed ones, unless you find it extraordinarily necessary. That does ruin lives.. but I don't know how often people turn to heroin from that.

    Most people want oxycodone, or whatever, if they're addicted to oxycodone. Surely it is cheaper and more readily available than heroin. It's not a plausible excuse to me.

    Prescription opiate abuse and addiction is a very real thing. Believe me, the office where I work is right down the hall from a pain doctor. But I don't think this, and heroin abuse are even in the same league. But yeah, they both can kill you. It's the difference between drinking 5 cups of coffee per day vs. taking ephedrine.
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