Russell Wilson

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by 520, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. EnglandTitan66

    EnglandTitan66 "The Plump Prince"

    ..... I'd also include the fact that he has a stellar D on his franchise that generally keeps the opponent below 17 points.

    Scoring 3 touchdowns a game with Lynch and the offensive weapons they have should by easy - even for Kap.

    Even so , RW finds ways to win and thats a gift greater than any.
    • High Five High Five x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Wilson is 10-0 vs Super Bowl winning QBS including Tom Brady. Kids on the verge of repeating as Champs, but his career is over according to 520... lol silly guy that 520 is
    • LOL LOL x 2
    • Boring Boring x 1
  3. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    There is no question that the Defense makes things easier...That said, name a QB we have that can do what he did last night in the clutch?......Crickets...Exactly. The truth of the matter is, he makes smart decisions, generally doesn't turn the ball over often, and can do it with his feet and his arm. Nobody on our squad has thrown 2 accurate passes back to back like he did yesterday, lets get real here. I am not saying he is on the top 3 elite level, but the Defense had nothing to do with that winning drive and having the "It" factor. To say that we wouldn't be better adding a guy with 2 Super Bowl appearances with his stats, is just plain ridiculous.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    This is a pretty bad thread. If you were to have a fantasy draft, it wouldn't surprise me to see Wilson go number 1 overall.

    Sure he isn't the most talented quarterback, but he might be the smartest, and that is unusual for a guy as athletic as he is. All Seattle has to do is keep him healthy, and this guy is going to have a storied career.

    Plus he is just a good dude. Practically the only likable guy on the Seahawks IMO.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    Thanks Scarecrow. My thoughts exactly. A class act on top of it! Even right after making a sick comeback, he is praising his team and humbled. The more I watch Russell Wilson, the more I like him, and the more I realize he is better than Luck in many ways....
  6. CheeseheadTitan

    CheeseheadTitan Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor


    Which, ironically, is the same number of years that he has been in the NFL.

    Look, I am not going to say that RW is some sort of savior, but he is much better than 520 is claiming IMO. When he was at Wisconsin he absolutely transformed the offense, and much more with his arm and head than with his legs.

    When he went pro I predicted that he would be a good NFL quarterback. Early in his career he has had a lot of success, which makes him look to be exceeding my expectations.

    If I were to compare him to anyone from the past it would be Bob Griese (although RW is a much better runner as well). Griese was a good passer, was very cool under pressure, and was advantaged by some very loaded Dolphin teams early in his career. Later in his career he was a very good QB, but he did not have the team support to get back to the levels he achieved early in his career. I see a similar career path for RW here.
    • High Five High Five x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion


    Where he becomes a good fantasy player is when he runs around, thats what gets him in the top group among QB's. As a pure passer tho he not your best bet, Seattle simply doesn't throw enough for him to be the best at that yet. I do however expect them to slowly increase his workload. Every year he's thrown more times than the year before. By next year he might be a top choice in FF, but at the moment I'd still take a handful of others before him. I simply cant see a player who only is asked to throw 25 times a game leading FF in passing. That spots reserved for Luck, Rodgers, Brady... Those guys teams revolves all around them, Wilson is the 3rd piece to Seattle after the defense and run game, but thats slowly been shifting as he gets older, so we'll wait and see.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. Smash

    Smash 2017 Survivor Winner

    Titans fans knows not to leave the game early. The bandwagoners tried to come back in.
  9. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    No doubt Brave, in fantasy world, I am sticking with Rodgers and co. Wilson did have some big weeks though. In real life, Wilson is proving it however. I don't see how anyone can knock his game at this point, elite or not
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    LMao! I love hearing w is 10-0 against super bowl winning qbs......his defense is you numbskulls. Think our d would a stopped a Rodge twice on the one yard line? Nope. Think Wilson could a came back from 21-0 or 28-0. Nope. Lynch was the reason they got backin the game. Not rws 5 2nd half completions lomfl.

    Wilson number 1 in a league wide redraft! No ****ing way.
    • LOL LOL x 1
    • Unreadable Unreadable x 1
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