Smack The Titans vs. Texans Smack Thread

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Sep 10, 2013.

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  1. jplusip

    jplusip Pro Bowler


    I will admit that saying that a team will never have a winning record or will never win their division or will never win a playoff game is silly. Luck can play such a big role in those three circumstances it's impossible to say one way or the other, and for sure, the Cows got lucky. The two years they won the division? Every other team was in rebuild mode. It's hard to lose the division when you're the only team not rebuilding. The playoff wins? Both against the same team, the Bengals.

    Now, winning a Super Bowl? I won't say the Cows will never win a Super Bowl, because who knows what will be going on 50 years from now. But will this team win a Super Bowl? No. Will Kubiak win a Super Bowl? No. Will Schaub win a Super Bowl? No. And winning Super Bowls is all that matters in the end.

    So congrats moos. You're 2-0 in two games you really should have lost. If the ball had bounced their way in Week 1 the Raiders would be 2-0 now as well...
  2. Texansfight

    Texansfight Rookie

    And the trend continues, lol. Winning a Super bowl is extremely hard as the titans/oilers organization very well knows after 40+ years. So way to go out on a limb there.

    And same ole tack fans, lol. Giving zero credit where credit is due. We are always just so damn lucky, our wins are always flukes, blah blah blah blah. Just like your Oakland reference too. IF this IF that, lol. IF Pryor finishes that drive at the end of the game, they win and are 2-0. But they didnt. The Texans did, and its why we are 2-0. Some of you cats just dont get it. We WIN these types of games now when we arent playing our best on the road, or when lose the turnover battle at home. We do whatever it takes to pull them out. Some teams do and some teams dont. Its called taking the next step.

    Call me when you get there.
  3. TackHammer56

    TackHammer56 Starter


    Made the playoffs the last two years...week seventeen will likely see the Texans starters resting up,rather then playing a meaningless game.
  4. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    wild card isn't playoffs. If you'd ever won a playoff game, you would know that. Win an actual playoff game, and we'll talk. God forbid you ever have to play a team other than the bengals come wildcard time, ya'll in trouble.
  5. Texansfight

    Texansfight Rookie

    What, over a decade now since the tacks have won a divisional game? Hell, a decade since yall have won ANY playoff game??? Better watch out, a playoff win this year and the Texans will have more playoff wins than the "mighty" titans have since we have been in existence

    Newsflash, its not 2002 anymore and you are in no position to talk any s**t. Get that thru your thick f**king skulls already.
  6. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    Super Bowl, *****.

  7. Texansfight

    Texansfight Rookie

    Keep squeezing that teddy bear nice and tight!! Lol
  8. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    You little girls should spend more time praying to your fat mexican jesus that you get to play the bengals again, and less time here making yourselves look like douchecunts.

    Can't totally blame you, though. Texan forums must be really bad eh? Maybe the web site owner will move the servers to TN.
    • High Five High Five x 4
  9. Texansfight

    Texansfight Rookie

    Lol! I prefer the baby jesus version. And if you have been living under a rock, the mexican population is coming for everyone eventually. Yes, even hillbilly tennessee.
  10. XO

    XO Nevada Native

    If I lived in Houston or one of its surrounding mini-mexicos, I'd be in a constant state of butt hurt too. Place smells like someone ate $20 worth of Taco Bell and farted into a fan.

    I'd pray for a hurricane but I don't want gas prices to go up.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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