The Walking Dead

Discussion in 'Movies/TV' started by The Playmaker, Oct 14, 2012.

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  1. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    I am sure you learn a lot more watching zombies. Pawn Stars never has anything interesting on it. Stay sharp!
  2. Big TT


    What is your point?
  3. Smash

    Smash 2017 Survivor Winner

    He has no fantasy, that's what he's saying.
  4. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    Every show needs a compelling villain... looking forward to this season.
  5. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    Pawn Stars and Storage Wars... fantasy.
  6. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Anyways, if doofus is done with this thread we can get it back on topic.

    That was the most intense episode of WD in awhile, maybe ever. I too was worried they were gonna draw out the reveal until the very end of the episode, or possibly not even reveal it at all. WD writers have been known to pull some lame **** so it wouldn't have surprised me too much.

    My prediction was Abraham. And I was really pissed when that turned out to be the case. I just knew it would be some secondary character like that. The main group (Rick, Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, Carl) were all starting to feel untouchable. I was actually thinking I was done with this stupid show. Then, BAM, the Glenn death happens out of nowhere and is brutal AF. Put a huge smile on my face. I really think that was the long overdue kick in the ass this show needed.

    I have to say, the writers played this one perfectly. They knew a certain segment of the viewers were getting frustrated and were expecting it to be someone lame like Abraham or Eugene. And they knew another segment would breath a huge sigh of relief when it indeed turned out to be Abraham and their beloved "mains" were safe. I don't think many people were expecting two deaths so it really hit everyone like a ton of bricks.

    JDM is killing it as Negan. Unlike with the Governor, he is actually living up to the hype from the comics.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  7. 8and8

    8and8 Starter

    Should have killed everyone but Eugene and have the show follow Negan and Eugene around like a post apocalyptic odd couple.
    • LOL LOL x 2
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    I'd watch that.
  9. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    I will be sad when Negan dies. That guy is going to steal the show. Casting JDM as Negan killed this show, because there will be no topping it. I can't look away when he's on the screen.

    I know there were a lot of complaints that The Governor was bland, but I like contrast between he and Negan. The group thought it couldn't get any worse than a guy who keeps his zombie daughter locked in an apartment. This is way worse.

    I doubt the writers planned it that way, but it has ended up working in their favor.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    The Governor season was probably my least favorite. I know a lot of people hated S2 but in retrospect I don't think it was that bad, even though it was super slow. I hadn't read the comics yet by the time we got to season 3. So all I kept hearing from fans of the comics was "Oh man, just wait til they get to Woodbury and the Governor shows up. He is a bad dude." He was hyped as this brutal all-time great villain and then the character, and that whole storyline, just fell flat on its face. I kept waiting and waiting for it to live up to the hype and it just never did.

    On the flip side, Negan comes in and right away is significantly more brutal and intimidating than the Governor ever was. Talk about an entrance.
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