Titans and Collins Agree in Principle to Terms

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by GoTitans3801, Aug 28, 2006.

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  1. mdfan

    mdfan Starter

    Hope Colllins flunks the physical
  2. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    We'll need depth at QB. Playing behind that OL any QB we play is going to get killed :irked:

    Still a stupid signing tho
  3. 4andershv

    4andershv Camp Fodder

    Welcome KC!

    Feel free to make a run for a starting role!

    Let the QB battles begin!
  4. Blazing Arrow

    Blazing Arrow The 12th man

    More like a run for the JD bottle. :gag:
  5. dman050586

    dman050586 Starter

    this means we r not going to see yoing play at all. there will be 2 guys ahead of him and that blows!
  6. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I think the writing has been on the wall that Mauck wasn't going to stick. Has he even stepped on the field yet during a preseason game?

    I wonder if Collins has had any of the playbook to check out before today.
  7. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I'm also wondering if this means any interesting cuts tomorrow to free up cap room. Anyone know where the Titans stand right now?
  8. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    I thought we still had almost 10 million after steve left, then those two Dlinemen wouldn't have been expensive. Collins shouldn't be that bad, should he?

    We've got to make cuts by tomorrow anyway, don't we?
  9. Sledge

    Sledge Guest

    I hope he makes you guys eat your heart out. He is a better QB than Volek, so that should make you happy. OK, his past is questionable, but who cares, I am really thinking 0-16 if Volek's our starting QB. Hopefully KC is dedicated and will give us #s similar to what he posted last year, which was more yards & TDs than Airhead, for those who think he REALLY had a Pro Bowl year...
  10. MadAboutMcNair

    MadAboutMcNair Starter

    This isn't too bad. The Offense does look awful. We deserve better. Keith Bulluck and the guys on D deserve better. I think this isn't a big deal anyway as far as VY goes. Collins and Volek play the first month to two months. And one of both of them will get hurt and VY will see some playing time then. This just gives Vince more time. It's a conservative move, what else should we expect?
    I just wish there was somebody better than Collins out there for us to sign. I don't like the guy's game. Just a prejudice of mine I guess. I just don't like him. On the other hand the guys has been in as many Super Bowls and Conference Championships as Mac. So let's see.

    I still can't believe this is the crap we are going to field at QB instead of Steve Mcnair. Billy looks shaky, Vince looks lanky, and Collins looks old and Balding, possibly drunk. I'm being harsh here, it's a cranky day.
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