Titans and Collins Agree in Principle to Terms

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by GoTitans3801, Aug 28, 2006.

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  1. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!


    I'm 6'5", 230 pounds myself, and I don't consider myself lanky... true, I'm sure he has a lot more muscle than I do...
  2. DynamoSupremo

    DynamoSupremo F-Back

    I think this ends Voleks tenure with the Titans, I bet the trade talks will start soon.
  3. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I'm sure he's been looking at our playbook as long as McNair has been looking at the Ravens.:yes:

    I don't know if Young will be inactive or not for some early games. We'll see. With Givens, Bennett, Wade should give him lots of options. I'm sure Chow had a lot to do with this.
  4. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Should have traded him to the Jets last year. His value was at an all-time high then. :rolleyes:
  5. Blazing Arrow

    Blazing Arrow The 12th man

    Never going to hear the end of this in CA. I can already hear Raider fans mocking us.
  6. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    I'm not a Collins fan at all. But I certainly see the reasoning why this was done. VY is no where near game ready. This makes sure that he is not thrown in over his head to early. This also makes it possible for us to deal a QB if some other team has a rash of injuries. We could now deal either Collins or Volek for something if we wanted to and the need came up.

    It will make the game day active roster interesting. I could see Collins being listed as the emergency 3rd QB and VY being the #2 guy. This would allow VY to run his package plays if the situation called for it. If Volek goes down with a game ending injury well then you could go with Collins and VY couldn't play unless Collins went down.

    If someone knows the exact details on how the 3rd QB works then educate us because I certainly don't know if what I proposed is possible.
  7. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I don't see why Collins would sign to be the #3.

    Once the #3 comes in, I don't think you can play either of the active QBs again.
  8. Gene the PIG

    Gene the PIG I'm Winning The Future

    Good signing! He can't be any worse than VOLEK, because Volek SUCKS!

    Maybe with a decent line he'd suffice for a season (& I stress SUFFICE,) but he's made of tissue paper, & if'n he starts the season ... he'll be inactive within three weeks due to broken stuff, & suckness.

    & Vince needs seasoning. Can't throw him to the lions that quickly. It's not the Fisher way.

    GOOD SIGNING! We had no choice in the matter.
  9. eberry

    eberry Camp Fodder

    I admit, this signing makes me woozy. HOWEVER, I think the logic behind it is not that divergent from what Fisher has said regarding Vince. He wants to preserve the starter ROLE, and not be forced to throw VY into it, even though he plans on playing VY as a type of 3rd down back, if you will, throughout to get him experience.

    Now, as to WHO, exactly, is assuming that starter role, is irrelevant to VY's role--neither Volek nor Collins is a long-term option anyways. So, whoever can give the rest of the team the best chance of developing is who should take the #1. This is more about players like Givens and Troupe than Vince--so that they're ready when Vince is ready.
  10. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

    All these good reasons to sign Collins were there to sign him before Camp.
    I just don't know why they've waited this long to bring him in now.
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